(no subject)

Apr 29, 2006 11:45

Me,jody and his friend spent the day in STL, went to the hampton exchange which is extremely boring if you dont own a record player, and are broke on top of it all, which would all apply to me. Must of spent 4 hours there,coming down on top of that sucked. We also went to a few headshops,and i bought some really good inscence which reminds me that its probably stepped on and broke underneith my seat. Before we took his friend all the way back to waterloo and had racked up like 80 miles on my sweet ride,we stopped at some graveyard like cool punk rock kids. It was pretty cool it had some tomb that everyone had stole the bodys from and like to sleep in. EW, but it did have an awesome view at the top of this neverending hill..

got bettie redone, shes still all shiney from the A&D.
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