Oct 25, 2005 22:54
there's suppose to be a big party this Friday, $10 at the door all you can drink kegs, it should be sweet. it's in Mt Clemen's on North Wilson off Hubbard just past the rail road tracks. i guess a couple a dj's are suppose to be doin' their thing. Hopefully it'll be tight.
i was just informed that the party i was suppose to go to on Saturday, is now going to be on Sunday, so i can't go, which really sux. But Sunday should be fun drunk times reguardless. possibly, i amy stop by the newly scheduled party on Sunday.
So, yesterday, i got all fuct up and fell asleep while watching Dodge Ball. It was a good movie from the beginning to the middle though. i'll see the end on the flip side though.
Getting back to Saturday, i guess i am goin' to the new strip joint, "The Colluseum"....however you spell it. It sux though b/c you have to dress business casual there, or they won't let you in. But, dressing up is cool, hooker boots work well w/ anything, possibly a tiny skirt to go w/ it. I just wish there was someone, er i mean something to do after the fun at the strip club is over..... Cuz, you know how those strippers kinda turn me on and shit!!!! ;)
But, what i really want is..........oh never mind, it's not really that important, my wants. whatever...
Hopefully this weekend will be fun, b/c i am starting to remember what fun was like again, and fuck, i kinda like it!