Sep 21, 2005 13:00

i didnt think it would take too long...but i'm back.

i decided i kinda miss livejournal..especially for the few people i got close with over it, since i havent spoken to joey in 347593874593875 years, and kristin as well.....

but anyway, yeah. i'm gettiong a new journal...as soon as my tests are over tomorrow. oh hell, i'll probably do it after class today. yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!

my new lj name is: crystaldreamsx3 (yes, like my other s/n.) im gonna friend a bunch of you, and if you want, friend me back. i'm not looking for lots of people on my list this time around. this journal will still be here, but primarily for my own benefit..to look back over the past few years of my life.

i expect a welcome back party. :-P!
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