July 4

Jul 05, 2008 21:32

Yesterday when my family and I were driving home from dinner celebration of Independence Day, I was talking to my parents about how I've never played with fireworks.  YEAH.  I KNOW.  19, and I've never played with them before!  So they, my brother chimed in saying that he wanted to play also, so then we turned into one of those stalls that sell fireworks and went to pick some up.

But honestly, I wasn't looking forward to fireworks because I wanted to celebrate the nation's birthday.  What I REALLY wanted to do was get the stick fireworks and wave them around like Tsurara did in Kurosagi.  Kya~  It looked so fun when she was doing it.  And seriously, my FAVORITE scene in that ENTIRE DRAMA.  Plus, other dramas had their characters play with them also.  Like 1% of Anything, one of my all-time favorite K-Dramas.  HEEEEE.

ANYWAY, we went to get them, but then, the morning glories only came in packs of 60 and they were less than a foot in length.  POO.  My parents didn't want to buy them cuz there were too many of them and what would we be doing with the extras?  (LIGHT THEM ALL UP? Didn't occur to them!)  Oh yeah, it's also important to note that fireworks are prohibited in my city, and my brother has actually seen the cops knocking on people's doors cuz of their fireworks.  So we kept pestering the salespeople about how high some of the other fireworks shoot and where we could set them off.  They asked us,"Where do you live?"  My brother I went,"UHhhhhh...LOL."  YEAHhhh..

After discussing for a long while, we ended up getting this long stick things.  I forgot what they're called, but they're pretty cool!

And them some random old pictures..very random.

in NY on the TOYS R US ride that Inoue and MatsuJun went on.

My super lame Jun uchiwa that I made for the premier.  It lacks any good decoration.  >.<

Cousins in Japan: Ken, Ina, Iri

Ken with Grandma.  I hope he NEVER JOINS JE.  Sorry, Ken.  I worry about what Johnny-san would do to you.  :D
Okay, HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIN!!!  I won't hold you back from doing anything stupid cuz you probably did already~  Enjoy your 24th year!  (And Happy Birthday to Massu also.)
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