Jul 24, 2005 22:21
OK... BEFORE I get into boring ya'll with how my stupid day went.... I HAVE to share this conversation Im currently having with Tom right now!!! LOL OK SO! I have this obsession with Tom's butt... it's just so freaking hot! It's like this perfectly round bubble butt and it looks sooo freaking HOT in a pair of jeans mmm I just wanna BITE IT! LOL Well he knows of this obsession... so the other night he took a pic with his webcame of his ass.... pretty much him just standing there mooning me! LOL WELL My computer is currently down so Ive been using my dad's computer and had to hurry up and look for it so I could get rid of it so my dad wouldnt find it! LOL... well I told him I couldnt find it and "THINK" it's gone... and this is where our conversation begins...
Tom: I was thinking earlier about funny it would have been if your dad was showing off some pictures of his cars to a bunch of friends or someone he was trying to sell it too..
and then is my ass picture.... imagined that on a slide show on a huge screen in front of like an audience.
Me: OMFG! LOL That just made me like.... snort! HAHAHA I literally just laughed out loud to the point where my MOM started laughing in the living room and goes "Whats so funny?" LOL HAHAHAHAHHAAA... It would be like you were mooning him and all his friends.... you would be mooning half of Saco PD... LOL!
Tom: yoru dad has that button in his hand to switch the screens on the board..
***clicks button, car is on screen**** "and here we have my 87 corvette. I spent many days prepping this car for the 87 budweiser amature races which I have some pictures I'd like to show you guys"
****clicks button, my ass comes on***** "and here we have.................. (he finally realizes whats on the screen)....
"well enough with this" ***clicks off the power*** any questions?
Me: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA!!!!!!!!!!!! OMFG!!!! that would be SOOOOOO Freaking funny omg! LOL.... I can see it now... all his friends just sorta looking at each other while my dad's gloating about his car... turns around to this ass... LOL!!!! Computer freezes and he can't get it off the screen.... HAHAHAHA
"Guys wanna nother beer?... I think there's something wrong with this computer not quite sure wut dat right dere is.... why it looks to be an ass..." LOL all in his Maine Accent HAHAHA
Tom: lol yeh... I thought it was funny.
Me: ahhhh shit lol I almost wish that would really happen.. and you could be here when it did so we could like hide around the corner and watch LOL omg Id start laughing so hard LOL no way I could be quiet while all that was going on lol
Tom: and write an H on one cheek and I on the other
Me: HAHAHAA!!! " ( H )( I ) " LOL
HAHAHAHAHHAA! This is how we are together! LOL We freaking carry out a Joke SOOOO FAR where it's not even funny to anyone else anymore but its still very funny to us and we sit there crying we are laughing so hard!!! We do this allll the time over stupid shit! HAHAHA We find the dumbest things so freaking amusing! LOL So perfect for each other haha!
Thank god it's only 9 more days! ugh.... I can officially say... NEXT WEEK I SEE HIM! wooo freaking hoo! About time!
So im a fucking dumb ass... yup... so I hated myself last night and decided it would be a SUPER idea to take two laxi's... ummm yea... USUALLY they work by the next morning so when I wake up I go... well it didnt work this morning... so I had some coffee.. still nothing... then finally at work it happend twice.. im like hmm ok... well I guess that was it! I come home and have dinner with my family and decide THIS time to make sure it works I'm going to take 3!!!... well I take 3 and then 5 mins later my dinner goes right through me... like... a lot! TWICE.... Dinner and everything I ate yesturday it seemed... sooo that means the two laxi's I took LAST night actually DID end up working today... only not till later... and I just took 3 more BEFORE this happend which means there is NOTHING in me... and so in about 6 hours when they decide to kick in... im fucked!!! your only supposed to take one... ive never taken 3 before... but I really thought when I took 2 it didnt work! UGH... IM such a fuck tard! I'm actually kinda scared of whats going to happen... thank god I dont work until 5 tomorrow... I can sleep in and try and ignore the pain... eh... maybe then I wont eat anything tomorrow in fear of SHITTING! grrrrr....
So I'm gonna go to the Manchester Mall with my mom prolly next week sometime before I see Tom... I'm gonna go try on some 0's... I really think I'm back down to a 0 now because all of my 2's are sooooo big on me... I havnt weighed myself in a couple of days.. Ive been getting so angry with myself everytime I wake up and I'm STILL STUCK AT 114... that Ive decided to NOT look for a lil while and just work extra hard at restricting and taking zantrex and keeping myself busy... I'm going to weigh myself on Saturday morning... hopfully by then ill notice a change! **crosses fingers**
Work tomorrow 5-close
Tuesday 5-close
Wednesday I have OFF... but I gotta bring my bro to summer school, be fitted for fucking glasses ugh... pick up Chris, then go visit our memere and pepere cause I promised we would...
Thursday 5-close
Friday 11-4
Saturday 9-3 and ITS MY LAST DAY OF DAVIDS BRIDAL!!!! Going to one of the girls from work's house to celebrate one of the girls Bachlorette party... gonna be there all night most likely drinking...
Sunday Going to FUNTOWN with my parents and Chris woo hoo haha I get's to ride on a rollar coaster yayyy lol then coming home to pack...
Monday I'm prolly going shopping with my mom... then coming home to Pack
Tuesday Packing and prepping for Tom!
WEDNESDAY!!! Waking up and making myself look all HOT (or try at least... LOL) then go pick up my baby at 12 at the airport hehe! ahhhh yep.... ok now these days just need to hurry up and pass... grrrr ***gives calender an evil stare!***