SOOOO did you guys watch'Adult Swim' last night? No? Well you missed the most awesome thing ever. Tom hijacked it and good ol' Toonami was on. I was super happy!! I really appreciate that cartoon network left my tv guide with the same lineup as usual. I was expecting FMA but DragonBallZ was on. I was really surprused! The whole night they had old school shows on like Gundam Wing and Tenshi. <3 they even let Tom review video games like he used to. At first I thought they were showing old reviews then I was like wait! Mass Effect 3 is new! Lol my only regret was that I had to work this morning so I went to sleep after DragonBallZ. I heard rumors that they might keep Toonami but lefts face it, they aren't going to get rid of Adult Swim. :/ but a girl can hope right?? Lol
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