You Are an Animal Print Bra!
Wild, zany, and even a little crazy.
You make every date an unpredictable adventure.
You want a guy who will constantly surprise you.
A relationship that's the most insane ride of your life.
What Kind of Bra Are You?Guys Like That You're Sensitive
And not in that "cry at a drop of a hat" sort of way
You just get most guys - even if you're not trying to
Guys find it is easy to confide in you and tell you their secrets
No wonder you tend to get close quickly in relationships!
What Do Guys Like About You?Your Famous Movie Kiss is from Romeo + Juliet
"Has my heart loved 'till now? Forswear it, sight! For I never saw a true beauty 'till this night."
What Famous Movie Kiss Are You?You Are a Natural Beauty!
You're the kind of beauty that every guy dreams about...
One that looks good in the morning - without a stich of makeup
That's doesn't mean you're a total hippie chic though
You have style, but for you, style is effortless
What Type of Beauty Are You?You Are a Soft Kisser
Your kissing style is understated, but effective
You give soft, sweet, and soulful kisses to your special guy
And that's the key: he's got to be special to get your kiss
Because you don't just go around kissing anyone
What's Your Kissing Style?