Me and my sisters I thought it was a cute pic.It is my B-Day in this pic I was becomeing 1... -Crys- 12 years ago.This song makes me wanna cry. *Sniff* Any way.I am the one in the middel Amanda to the right and Cynthia in the left .
It is perfect 4 the moment it is saying time passes so quickly I love this song.
Me around 8 or 7 I am the one with the green socks.Amanda is the one all the way in the right wering a yellow jumper cynthia all the way to the right wering a blue jumper.
Us now ::Roles eyes::
Melody/Was not born in the other pics...
We fucked up...On areselfs? Every one changes don't get me rong...But we over did it ;_; ::runs away Crying::