So I think pretty much every songwriter is a Buffy/Angel fan because every song seems to fit them perfectly. ;D So I made a wallpaper out of one and there's more to come in the near future. The other wall is pretty much just because I wanted to use those caps. I think David is extremely sexy in that scene. I will not be making other sizes of these walls unless they are requested.
I have a certain art in mind that I'd like to make but don't want to spend forever digging through caps. Can anyone remember a scene in Season 3 of Angel when Angel is in bed or waking up in bed alone? Preferably something angsty looking. Thanks!
2 Buffy/Angel theme/episodic wallpapers
3 matching Buffy/Angel icons
2 Disney
1 Firefly
4 Misc. Celebs
5 David Boreanaz
8 Jensen Ackles
1280x800 :
1024x768 credits: textures -
victoriaely& touchstone, caps - screencap paradise
1280x800credits: textures -
extremefangirl ,
touchstone; caps -
screencap paradise lyrics: John Mayer ~ Slow Dancing In A Burning Room
Does anyone else have
THIS problem with headers on certain journals? I get it in IE or Firefox. :(