So, I mentioned awhile back that I'd write about the Dark Hunter novels I was reading for those of you who aren't familiar with them.
You might have read
the review I posted of Night Pleasures, the first book in the series (there is a book prior to that one though that is essential to read because the hero is a major character in the rest of the series).
My initial explanation wasn't really very good. So here's the brief summary that starts the series:
the Dark Hunter series are romance novels that are based around Greek mythology. Artemis, the goddess of the hunt, creates men & women called Dark Hunters. They are ancient (mostly) warriors such as Greek, Roman, & Celtic soldiers. She makes them immortal and gives them all the money and perks they could ever want but they are in service of her to hunt Daimons. Daimons are night creatures who feed on human souls.
Sounds vampiric doesn't it? Well, they are vampires in a way but to call it a vampire themed series wouldn't really be accurate because the Greek mythology is SO much more important and bigger. The mythology is surprisingly intricate (sometimes I almost got confused!) and the universe branches off to include Dream Hunters and Were Hunters as well as other gods and goddess'.
You must remember above all with this series that they are romance novels. Sometimes I have to repeat that to myself because I'm entirely too analytical. I also sometimes wish they weren't because then the author could do so much more with the stories.
When I read the first book I wasn't overly in love with it. I thought the writing was extremely poor and the pop culture references were WAY too numerous and she ripped off Buffy a little too much for me. However, the mythology was interesting enough and the sex scenes good enough that I wanted to keep reading. I didn't really have anything else to read at the time. The book was light and easy.
I must say that the Buffy love goes on a bit too much in the first half dozen books - I don't like pop culture references in my novels. It pulls me from the story and makes me feel like the author is just trying to push their own opinions on you. Again, though it was something that I could overlook and was able to continue just enjoying the series.
With each novel, her writing has gotten better and at one point I said, "Wow she's really improved as an author!" Do I think she's a great writer? No. But she's stronger and her books are a neat little universe. The mythology is extremely intricate now (I've read all 13 books currently published). Her love for Buffy seems to have been replaced by Dexter which is okay with me but I just don't want to be spoiled as I fully intend to watch the series.
What makes them such fun, easy reads is the romance part. The general setup for the lovestory is typical: boy meets girl, obstacle must be overcome, love. But along the way they have great sex. And I like the way she writes her sex scenes - they are what young, real women want and say. No, "titanic manhood" or "dewey petals" here. It's "real speak" and I truly appreciate that. And yes, there are curse words in the books. With each novel the scenes and language get a bit bolder too.
The heros are very alpha. They're all huge, gorgeous and badass so it makes for a good fantasy. The women range which is so wonderful. Some are tiny and petite. Some are voluptuous and robust. One has even been plus size and gosh that was awesome.
So, overall, I truly recommend the series. I went from being "meh" take-it-or-leave-it to truly feeling like a fan. Although, I appreciate being on livejournal because the author's official forum is a little too rosy for me. I mean, I'm practical and analytical and I don't love every aspect of the books but you can't really say that there.
If you're interested in the correct reading order for the series, drop a comment and I'll give it to you. Oh, I read all these books from the library so you shouldn't feel required to purchase them.
On to Dead Until Dark - Sookie Stackhouse book 1
I'm placing this under a cut because I'm going to be more specific.
This was a fun and interesting read. It was different from what I expected. I thought it was cool that the vampires are ultra traditional - coffins and all and their being "legal" was intriguing. I liked the parallels for racism that the author drew.
It wasn't romanicized like most of the vamp/girl stories I've read so that was interesting. Their was some grisly moment which surprised me. I expected it to be more light-hearted than that. The vampires were "scary" more than any other series I've read.
Also there was some great chuckles in there. I remember twice saying "That's a great line." Just because I loved the way it sounded. So overall, a great blend.
The mystery wasn't very shocking. I guessed who the bad guy was pretty early on.
The sex scenes were okay. They didn't really move me for some reason though. Perhaps because I'm not finding Bill all that attractive? She didn't describe him as either attractive or unattractive just mostly states the colors of his features and that his nose is like a Byzantine (sp?) mosiac - which I have no idea what that is. I'm more interested in Sam than Bill.
A couple points were dropped that I wished the author had gone back and discussed. When Sookie gets attacked by the Rattrays in the first (or second) chapter - she hears them getting attacked. She also mentions hearing a dog and him licking her. We the reader of course know later that the dog was Sam but it was never discussed how it came to be that Bill and Sam were both saving Sookie. It would've been nice for her to ask for an account of her rescue so we knew exactly how it all took place.
Along those same lines, Sam mentions to Sookie once that "The vampire says you can't hear his thoughts." and Sookie is surprised that the men had a conversation about her but then just totally lets it go. It seems OOC for me. She should've asked "Why were y'all talking about me? What did you guys say?" She's too touchy for this to have just been let go.
Overall - fun read. I'm now on chapter 5 of the second novel.
And then I watched the first episode of True Blood based on the first Sookie book.
It was entertaining. Man, the accents are really bad for most of the characters.
The only big difference from the book that I saw and didn't like was her hearing all of Sam's thoughts. I think it's important that she doesn't hear Sam's thoughts so that was a bad move on their part. They could convey Sam having feelings for her without that.
Tara being added - I'm not sure what for. Maybe they felt like they needed to add a black woman. She didn't bring anything but irritation to me. I don't like to watch people just being rude all the time.
Lafayette was great. He made me laugh.
Sam's hot. I think I like him best in the books too so I was pleased he's good looking. Too bad he doesn't have the ultra blue eyes though. Nice body.
Jason's nice looking. Yeah, nice body. I felt he did a pretty good job.
I thought Anna's acting was very weak. It seemed very forced in most scenes and I know she can act better than that so I'm unsure where it came from. I don't think I like her as Sookie at all. She just doesn't feel right.
Oh! And their fangs look STUPID. They're so tiny they aren't threatening at all to me.
The guy playing Mack Rattray played a vampire in an episode of Buffy. lol I knew as soon as I heard his voice.
I know I say "interesting" entirely too much in my reviews. Forgive me. lol
Anyone going to see Twilight this weekend? I want to go but there's no way I'm dealing with the crowds of teenagers. No way. I'll wait and go during the weekday when they are in school. lol