darkhuntercntr ~ a graphics & discussion community for the Dark Hunter novel series by Sherrilyn Kenyon
Other Great Communities:
twilight_index ~ an index to all Twilight saga related LJ comms and you can promote your Twi comm there!
twilight_bigart ~ a place to post your larger-than-icon Twilight saga art
the new ~ graphics, fanvids and photoshop resources
dearjoss ~ a fan letter community for you to express your love for Joss Whedon
slashless_super ~ a non-slash/non-wincest Supernatural community for graphics & more
classics_stills ~ an icon challenge comm for classic movies & stars
dollhouse_art ~ a graphics community for the new tv show Dollhouse
dollhousestills ~ an icon challenge comm for the new tv show Dollhouse
all comms are active
all comms seeking members/voters/affiliates