sunday morning things

Dec 02, 2012 09:28

1. I have successfully produced a food product which you could call either slightly lumpy Burmese tofu or a sort of congealed split pea pudding block. Depending on how you feel about it. It tastes good and will probably be awesome fried.

2. Mochi melts in the microwave. Seriously? I didn't believe
ccommack, but it appears to be true. Why does this exist? Most grain products (e.g. bread) don't do this. Who figured this out? Why is this not being used as a cheese substitute or something?

3. There's a new member meeting thing at church today and I am contemplating going, and possibly even joining. It's a commitment and I am full up on commitments already, but if I'm going to keep using first person plural to talk about this church, I should probably follow through.

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