Fed up!

Dec 05, 2004 00:32

I'm so sick and tired of all of this petty bullshit that goes on in my life. I don't care who I am or am not friends with. I just hate it, and I'm so sick and tired of everything. I've been upset about all of it (since the beginning of it all) for over a month. Whatever, some people have the ability to just brush it off. I, on the other hand, do not. And I wont. Whatever, call me whatever you wish. I cry, over lots of things... And this matter in my opinion, is not a stupid reason. So fuck it. I'm tired of all of the little drama and all the issues. I can't even say what I want to fucking say in here, or anywhere for that matter... Because no matter what I do or say it always gets either misconcepted, or totally blown out of proportion. Also, things that I DO NOT SAY get laid on me too. Whatever, fuck it.
I'm done hanging out with these people...

I dont' care if I ever have fun again, I'm tired of crying, being hurt, and being treated like i'm worthless.

All in all, I had a great night... Until people whom wish to treat me shit stepped into the picture. I honestally feel that to avoid these people, I just need to stop going out. I'm going to try atleast, beccause I want to save myself from all of this... EVERYTHING.

I'm tired of crying, and having bad "friends"

I'm done with "hanging out"

Fuck it
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