Nov 08, 2004 21:45
Just had a chat with a friend from back when... and still a friend...
really got me thinking....
My middle shcool life was so amazing. Reguardless of all the drama and more drama..... I loved it, I had so much more fun back then. Amazing friends (some are still around, but not alot), amazing memories. Make my heart ache thinking about the people who I dont' talk to now.... Whatever the reason, I still miss them. Don't care how far we've been seperated or whatever, I miss it, every little bit. I was so pathetic, I took everything for granted. And now I see, when it's too late.
I wish I could hang out with these people, and everyone would get along, and it wouldnt' be different. It would be an amazing day...
Tired of missing out and missing amazing old school friends...