Bits and pieces from one of my favorite authors...

Oct 08, 2004 14:02

"In this job you get a lifetime of experience everyday. A crisis will crop up, worsen, and come to a head and ressolve itself all in 15 to 30 inutes. You dn't even have time to panic. You just push through."

There is something infectious about c o n f i d e n c e

"You don't even know-"
"You should never be suprised when people treat you with respect, you should expect it."
"Yes, I do know, I've watched you. You walk around like a dog waiting to be kicked... And when someone does, yhou pout and cry like you didn't deserve it."
"No one deserves to be kicked."
"I disagree, you do if you don't think your worth any better.
"Self respect, if you don't have it, the world will walk all over you."

"I'm speaking to everyone ou tthere who sees themself as a catipillar, but knows somewhere inside them self lives a butterfly."

"There are alot of people out there, but there catipillars watching butterflies...They still have to become."

"They all have potential, it's been their all along. They just have to become."


"And if it was killing her, as it would have killed me, she hid it well. I only wondered if one day she woulud break down all toghether from the strain of holding it all in."

"I picture her sitting on her bed, hearing those voices again in her head as I still heard mine... and I knew that it was always late at night, when everything and everone else was quiet, that those voices would rise like ghosts, soft and haunting, filling your mind until sleep finally came."

"I think a big part of it was me starting to be unafraid. But more, I think it was when other people started really believeing in me. All those people who looked at me to be strong and capible for them, to show them the way. So I faked it."

"But somewhere along the way i started believing in myself. I think being brave and self confident doesn't nessesarially start inside. It starts with the rest of the word, and it leads back to you."

"Men are wired, by nature, to take everything they can from you. It's their basic instinct to screw you over."

"All the bitchy girls in the world are just training ground for what men can do to you."

"But, again, there was something that stopped me, that prevented me from openining myself like a book to the spine, leaving the pages exposed."

"You, of all people... shold know, that what isn't said can hurt the most."

"I remember the first time I saw a lunar eclipse. I was six, and me and my brothers camped out back to watch it. It was the biggest deal. They fell asleep before it even happened, just like my dad predicted,, but I remember laying there in my sleepingbag... looking up as the moon just disappeared. And even though I knew what it was, and I was so excited all day waiting for it to happene I got really scared. Because it just doesn't come right back, ya know? There's like this long, long, long time when it's just gone. So I rean inside up to my parents' room and woke up my dad. I was freaking, crying and everything. My mom kept saying she knew I was too young to camp outside and how he sould have listened to her, and my dad just kept telling hert o keep quiet because he couldn't understand what I was tryinging to say... I was saying... They took the moon... THEY"RE KEEPING THE MOON. He took me downstairs and out to the yard and told me to stop being rediculous. It really wasn't a big bonding moment. But I will never forget how it felt to lie there and wait for it to come back. Because I wasn't really sure it would. I wanted to believe it as much as I'd always believed the moon could never go away. But I didn't... It did come back, eventually... but it's strange, when you're always believe and been told something was true, like the moon would come back... You need proof and while you wait youo feel like the entire balance of your world just tripping.
It's crazy, but when it's over, and it does come back, thats the best because that's all you want. Everything narros to just that. It's this great rush like for that one second everythings okay with the world again. It's amazing, you'll see what I mean... You'll see..."
Above is my absolute most favorite passage in any of Sarah Desson's books. She's amazing. I love that passage... I could relate my whole entire life to how they were "Keeping the Moon", I really truly could.

I love sarah desson...
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