Things and stuff

Jun 03, 2006 06:18

I know I don't update this thing anymore but there is a REAL world outside the internet and I seem to like it better. Things are actually going pretty good. Got a new car! Actually SUV if you want to get technical. Got about $1,350 out of the piece of shit tempo thanks to some dumb bitch hitting me head on. I'm fine but the car was trashed!!! YEAH!!!! Now driving a '97 Pathfinder.
Got bit by a brown recluse last week, not fun at all. It bit me on my middle finger so obviously I couldn't flip anyone off for a while, hurt to fucking much anyway. Went to ER, got pillz, all better now. Find out real soon if I got my job as animal cruelty investigator. Doubt I got it but I really don't want to work for the city of Lenexa. Anyway, fucking tired. Maybe I'll update again before next year.
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