(no subject)

Mar 20, 2007 03:49

Offending someone is probably my main intention here, so you stand forewarned.

Apparently the UNCG campus Republicans are having a "Morals Week" here towards the end of March. The concept of "Morals" alone is enough, but just in case that concept wouldn't piss off enough people the days of this week have themes...
These are the 3 that I saw advertised:
- "Are you a Femi-Nazi" day
-A 'PETA' (People for the Eating of Tasty Animals) BBQ
AND!!!! are you people ready for this bullshit...
-Straight Pride Day...

I just don't have the words to express how that makes me feel. Gay Pride week (while just sort of a joke sometimes) is in no way the GLBT community's way of mocking straight people. I challenge someone to find the consumption of veggies morally offensive.  I have never, ever, not EVER been heckled by a member of a different sexuality for being straight and I've also never been treated unfairly or marginalized because i am straight. As for the whole Femi-Nazi shit...from what i can tell from their flyer it's a thinly, thinly veiled excuse to have an anti-abortion protest which honestly- ive never been overburdened with an overwhelming sense of humanity, i see the concern of those opposed to abortion, but that whole lack of humanity thing lets me put a different spin on things. You can call it human whenever you want, but just like its ok to pull the plug on someone in a vegatative state, there is a vast amount of difference between a human and a person. And when it comes right down to it in regard to the whole Morals Week thing- I believe in the right to "Rights", my right to choose the path i take in my life, with my  body and have my friends enjoy that same right no matter who they're fucking or exactly how they go about it. The principle it comes down to is simple- people should not be obsessively or unfairly mocked or targeted for their beliefs or lifestyle decisions no matter how uncomfortable it may make some to know that we do not live in a world of homogeneous ideals (and seriously what good could possibly come from making fun of those out there who prefer to be herbivores? 1 more vegi/vegan means more cow for you if there's ever a shortage...omg its sooo unamerican)  Oh yea and fuck the american family...why is everyone so deathly afraid that the Cleavers and Joneses concept of family might go extinct...it's stale, overrated and for christssake have you seen the divorce rates?
im done now.
needless to say i plan to go to a few of  these little functions, Straight Pride Day especially- we're raising an army of deviant sexuality (and its straight supporters) and we're gonna crash their little fundamentalist wank fest. I'm thinking of making a shirt that says "I kiss boys who kiss boys" and wearing that around...if anyone comes up with any other clever and abrasive slogans they would be much appreciated.
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