i'm gonna miss ppls :(

Aug 04, 2005 14:24

yesterday when to the beach with cassie,n, czarine, blueberry, derek, and derek's friend matt. we were suppose to leave this morning at 9, well umm somehow that didn't happen hahaha. derek was suppose to pick me and czarine up around 9, then came 9:30 and blueberry called asking where cassie was cus she was suppose to get him at 9. i called czarine who got in touch with cassie and told me she got up late and was at home making sandwiches lol. but later around 10ish derek finally got me and czarine. we met up at cassie's house then drove to robert moses. the beach their was really nice, but weird. one min. their was waves, the next their was none lol. once again i hurt my leg(i always hurt myself lol) blueberry was carrying me around so i wouldn't have to walk on my left ankle. hehehe he's sweet. also me, blueberry, cassie, and n, kept having to make sure czarine stayed on the beach board blueberry brought with him, cus she can't swim that well. and she kept drifting off and we kept having to save her hahaha, mostly blueberry though lol.  we also took pics, blueberry got a jellyfish thrown at him by czarine, who started complaining afterward cus she touched it lol. n was pretending to be a life guard. oh ya i think someone drowned or something cus all this lifeguards were running off to save someone and then their was a huge crown on one side of the beach watching and an ambulance came..........also their were too many jellyfish

day before went to the beach also with mike, blueberry, and blueberry's brother. it was a lot of fun. niccolas is a per. though. and at one point i ended up chasing him and scratching him and knocked him to the ground lol. mikeya wasn't feeling good halfway through the day. then got ice cream tee hee ^.^

tomm. i leave for virgina, i'm glad i'm going cus i want this vacation, but i'm gonna ppl. i'm too attached to ppl lol.
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