[drabble] Kindergarten AU

Sep 30, 2010 01:42

Title: Kindergarten AU

Pairing: Ohmiya

Rating: Another safe one

Disclaimer: Nothing's mine. Just the stupid idea.

Summary: Little Nino and Ohno in kindergarten. (Yeah..., I'm suck)

Autho's note: another stupid idea in the middle of the night (again, my insomnia still bug me). it didn't turn out as i wanted to, so please be nice... (^^). Un-betaed, so, any grammar mistake is purely mine... (i'm learning)


Little Ohno rummaged through the toy box, searching for something to play. This was not drawing time, something that he liked most. Or singing time, one thing that he could do best. His kindergarten teacher asked them to play with toys, and played with other children.

The only friend he knew best was Nino-chan. But now, he was busy playing little guitar and having fun with the others. As much as Nino-chan liked him, He also liked to be the center of attention. And as long as no one dared to approach Ohno, the other boy would consider it was safe to left his cute chubby check  alone for some times.

Ohno frustrated. He wanted to play to, but he didn’t like talk much. So, he just kept searching through the toy box, dedicating himself to find something to lure Nino-chan back to him.

Suddenly, his eyes locked on blue plastic ring with shiny yellow plastic diamond. He took the ring and grinned widely, “Nino-chan…,” Nino stopped playing his guitar and looked over Ohno, “Would you marry me?” He asked innocently while presenting the ring.

A loud bang from fallen toy and a high yelp was heard in the middle of astonished silent. Nino could nothing but nodded quietly, as red crimson blush starting to creep his cheek.

And Ohno felt contented as Nino left the cheering audience and held Ohno little hand in his. He dragged Ohno to the corner and played with him until the teacher called for the next activity.

Well, that was easy..., Ohno thought.


Need help: i want to post my fics to communities, but i all are link back directly to my journal. is that possible? i don't want to post to each journal manually.

how can i put someone username that can link back to his/her journal...?
thank you....

r: pg, c: ninomiya kazunari, c: ohno satoshi, p: ohmiya, fic

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