[FanFic] Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme (Chapter Seven)

May 16, 2011 17:41

Title: Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme (Chapter Seven)
Status: WIP in collaboration with cacell
Word Count: 1796
Rating: PG-13 (subject to change)
Genre: Romance/Adventure/Drama/Angst
Characters/Pairings: Kurt, Blaine, Quinn, Puck; Klaine, Quick
Summary: Prince Kurt has found himself falling for Blaine, a mere stablehand. Even without their distinct differences in class, love would be difficult enough--yet it is proving itself nearly impossible.
Warnings: AU taking place during the renaissance era.
Notes: Fic is based on period-crossover drawings by cacell. The accompanying illustration for this chapter is here (yes, an older drawing)!
So many apologies for the delay. But expect the next one very soon!

This is "The Lament" by the Medieval Baebes, which Blaine sings here.

Kurt felt as the harsh sunlight hit his face without its usual filtration through the curtains, waking him in a less-than-desirable manner. The prince squeezed his eyes even tighter, feeling his head pound and he let out a low groan. At first he struggled with hiding his face beneath his pillow, beneath his blankets, and really anything that could shield him from the horrendous sunlight that was disrupting his slumber.

After several fruitless minutes of attempting to fall back asleep, Kurt gave in, cracking one of his eyes open. He spotted Mercedes at the foot of his bed, leaning against one of the posts, her arms folded across her chest.

"Mercedes," he grumbled, throwing himself back against his pillow, his arms falling limply above his head, "What time is it? Can't I go back to sleep?"

"Oh no," she said. "We need to have a little conversation, I think."

"And if I refuse?" he asked grumpily.

The girl sighed, sitting at Kurt's feet. "I'm not approaching you as a prince, right now, sweetheart. I'm coming to you instead as your friend."

Kurt sighed, lifting himself up into a sitting position, waiting for Mercedes to continue.

"Brittany told me something very interesting while she was making breakfast for your parents," she said with a cool casualness that made Kurt's stomach flip. "Something about a certain stablehand."

"Oh," he murmured, the realisation sinking in at last. He searched for something else to say, but nothing came to mind.

"Oh," she repeated with a smirk and a quirked eyebrow. "Care to elaborate?"

"I, erm... I've been teaching him to read," he responded evasively.

"Hmm," she said, nodding. "And that's it, is it?"

He sighed. "No," he admitted, and he allowed himself a smile. "I fancy him, Mercedes. Part of me can't understand why, but..."

"These things don't have to make sense," she said, leaning in with a grin on her face.

"I know," he said. "I haven't ever met anyone like him, though. I can talk to him about things I've never been able to talk about, even with you. And he... he's like me."

"You mean to say he reciprocates?"

Kurt shook his head. "No," he said quickly. "Well, I don't really know. He could, but-"

"Please," she said with a laugh. "That boy doesn't look at you like he has stars in his eyes because you're the prince."

Kurt's cheeks turned a brilliant shade of crimson. "Yet the fact remains that I am indeed the prince," he said. "I don't mean to sound petty, but I have to consider status, don't I?"

"It's not unheard of," she told him.

"No," he agreed, "but for a future king?"

"We can't choose who we fall for, sweetheart," she told him soothingly. "Everyone wants a knight to ride in and rescue them, but that's a dream few are given the chance to realise. And coming from someone who cares deeply for you," she continued, "class and expectations should matter far less than your happiness."

Kurt smiled softly at Mercedes. "At least there's one person who feels that way," he said. "The rest of the kingdom, I'm not so certain."

"Well, I'm the only one that matters," she replied simply, earning a laugh.

"If only you were," he sighed, and she grasped his hand. "Instead, I have to do-and ultimately be-what the kingdom wants. And while I might be capable of getting away with choosing either a commoner or a man to rule beside me... I fear I'll only lose the respect of my subjects if I were to pursue someone that is both. In all likelihood I will enter a marriage only to appease them, or else simply die alone."

"But what about love?" she asked him sadly. "Sweetheart, there's nothing I want more than to see you happy and loved."

"I'm loved by you," he said, and she smiled, but shook her head.

"You know that isn't what I mean," she told him.

Kurt sighed. "I know."

They were silent for a moment, Kurt staring at the girl's hand on top of his, his other hand grasping at his blankets. "Will you make me a promise?" she asked him at last, and he looked up at her, nodding. "Don't forget about yourself and your happiness. Don't lose yourself for the sake of the kingdom."


Puck squinted in the sunlight, leaning against his sword, breathing heavily. He narrowed his eyes, doing his best to focus on the figure that was approaching.

Quickly he straightened himself, sliding his sword back into its sheath, making his way toward the girl himself.

"Princess Quinn," he said with a bow.

"I'm looking for Finn," she told him.

He frowned. "He's gone for the day."

"May I ask where?" she asked.

"To see Lady Rachel."

She scoffed. "Of course that's what he's doing," she said, her annoyance obvious. "How is it that she has such a hold on him?"

Puck smiled at the girl's reaction. "Do I detect jealousy?"

"Hardly," she responded. "Honestly, there is very little to be jealous of."

"Oh, I don't know about that," he told her. "She always means well, she has a beautiful voice, and she's rather attractive. Though, compared to you..."

She folded her arms across her chest. "Please," she said, rolling her eyes. "Don't try to charm me, Puck. I promise it won't work."

Puck shrugged his shoulders. "What is it that you see in Finn, anyway?"

Quinn raised her eyebrows. "I thought you were friends," she said.

"We are, but there isn't much there," he said, tapping his finger to his temple. "I may not be so smart either, but when I look at you, I feel as though you deserve far better than a daft prince."

"Ah," she responded with a smile, "you just mentioned one of the very reasons. He's a prince. Being with him, I'd be able to earn back respect."

"So that's all you care about?" Puck asked. "It's all about status?"

"No," she responded coolly. "He's very sweet. His position just makes it so much better."

Puck shook his head. "And now he's off with Lady Rachel," he said. "You don't think you ought to be treated better than that?"

"And who would treat me better?" she asked. "You? I heard from Kurt's chambermaid that you were off with Santana behind the stables last week."

"I'm not going to pretend I'm perfect," he told her. "But if I had someone like you on my arm, I wouldn't risk things the way that Finn is."

She straightened herself, eyeing Puck suspiciously. "Well, thank you," she said softly. "That's very... kind of you."

"But of course," he said smoothly.

"Well, I'd better return to my mother," she said, still looking at the knight with unsure curiosity. "It was a pleasure to speak with you."

"The pleasure was all mine, your highness," he responded, bowing once more, and he watched her go.


Kurt froze, hearing the melody drifting from the stables. Taking a deep breath, he peered around the wall, cautiously glancing inside.


Blaine singing.

Kurt quietly watched, trying to gather every word that left the stablehand's lips.

"Oh thou pale orb that silent shines, while care-untroubled mortals sleep," the young boy sang, gently brushing Elizabeth's coat as he did so, "thou seest a wretch who inly pines and wanders here to wail and weep.."

Kurt's heart pounded as he listened to the words Blaine was singing, desperately wondering if he intended their meaning, or if he'd simply chosen the song for its beautiful melody. He swallowed as Blaine paused, moving to the other side of the mare he was grooming, simply willing the stableboy to sing on.

"With woe I nightly vigils keep, beneath thy wan, unwarming beam," he continued moments later, "and mourn in lamentation deep how life and love are all a dream-"

His singing was cut off by barking, and Kurt's eyes widened as he realised that the dog that had taken to the stables had noticed his presence. He pressed himself flush against the side of the building, his heart beating too quickly and his legs lacking the feeling necessary for him to make an escape.

"Wes?" he heard Blaine ask. "What is it-did you see someone?"

Kurt took a deep breath, deciding that it might be better for him to simply come clean and reveal himself. He could easily make it seem as though he'd only just arrived, that he'd-


Kurt found himself face to face with the stablehand, and he was certain that the other boy could hear is own heart, with its deafening, racing speed.

"Hello," Kurt managed to reply in a breathy whisper.

"Were you... watching me?" Blaine asked, an eyebrow raised.

"What?" Kurt responded. "Good heavens, no! Of course not! Why would... why would you think that?"

Blaine laughed, and Kurt relaxed at the idea that he was so amused. "You seem horribly guilty," he said with a smile.

"Suppose I was," Kurt said airily, and Blaine raised his eyebrows again. The prince sighed, folding his arms. "I... I heard you singing and, well, I didn't want to... interrupt." He brushed his hair off of his forehead. "It was beautiful, to be honest."

"Thank you, your highness-"

"Kurt," he said quickly, feeling his cheeks flush. "You can address me as Kurt. If you'd like, anyway."

The stablehand beamed at him. "Well, thank you, Kurt."

Kurt smiled sheepishly at him. "Do you have a lot of work?" he asked hesitantly, and he was certain that the other boy might hear his heart beating.

"Not much," Blaine responded. "I was just tending to Elizabeth."

Kurt nodded, licking his lips. "Have you ever been riding?"

"Only once or twice," Blaine said, now looking curiously at the prince.

"Would you like to?"

Blaine raised his eyebrows. "Would that be allowed?"

Kurt quickly nodded. "You could ride Finn's. He never really rides," he responded with a grin, though it quickly faltered. "If you wanted to, that is. You shouldn't feel obligated to just because I'm-"

But Blaine smiled in response. "I would be honored to join you, Kurt."

character: quinn, au, character: blaine, character: puck, genre: romance, character: burt, pairing: fuinn, pairing: klaine, fandom: glee, character: karofsky, character: jeff, character: brittany, character: mercedes, rating: pg-13, genre: adventure, character: finn, fanfic, character: santana, character: lauren, character: rachel, genre: angst, pairing: pucktana, character: kurt, pairing: quick, genre: drama, character: carole, pairing: finchel, pairing: brittana, character: oc, character: nick

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