Jan 18, 2008 15:08
A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself. Don't be boring.
B. Tag seven people to do the same. Take away their cookies if they don't do it.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it".
1) I love Reese's pieces and low-carb monster together. I think it's awesome. Jordan thinks its the quickest way possible to develop diabetes.
2) Opening up my mailbox at school and getting a real letter or package slip or whatever, is just freaking awesome and I love it.
3) I'm a music-stealer. Meaning I get a lot of my music from other people and not by discovering them on my own. Which makes me feel very unoriginal sometimes.
4) I wish I was on Project Runway (as a designer), or America's Next top model.
5) I love being by myself.
6) I think I may take up whittling.
7) I just bought tickets for my first ever real concert. (I don't' count the backstreet boy's concert I went to when I was like...twelve or whatever.)
I tag:
1) Jackie
2) Meghan
3) Katelyn
4) Jeremy
5) Eric
6) Uhm....Whoever else sees this?
7) I'm not sure who all watches my journal.