Carry on my wayward son...

Nov 10, 2005 19:31

There'll be peace when you are done // Lay your weary head to rest // Don't you cry no more...

Can I just say that last week I told Jessika that the first few bars of Carry On My Wayward Son unexpectedly made me tear up when it shuffled through my iPod (which she totally laughed about, bitch, heh) in relation to The Brothers Dean.

The new preview for next week? The mancrying? *is broken* I mean, Foxy will always be the Man____ champ, whether it be giggling or crying or whatever. But it's gonna be so good. And they need to play that song, like, right now.

Now, for TV in general...

Lost 2x06 - Abandoned -

- Okay, the most important thing: I heard talk that Boone's hair WASN'T A WIG! You've GOT to be kidding me. He was rockin' the Carol Brady look so hard that he made Jack's WIG OF DOOM look awesome. If it wasn't a wig? Which it totally looked like to me, all I can say is: Oh, Ian.

- Meh. I'm still very meh. Did I want Shannon to die? Of course not. But it didn't hurt like Boone's death did.

- Not enough Jack. But that's just me being selfish. I'm honestly glad he wasn't shoehorned into some inane bullshit scene to get him airtime. We saw him where we needed to see him: At the hospital.

- Sayid's look at the end was beautiful. Naveen nailed it. Yes, I'm praising Naveen. My arch-nemesis. But I have no problem giving credit where credit is due - and it's due for that moment. Other than that? PLEASE PUT ON A SHIRT. Thanks.

- I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the throwback to Sawyer trying to convince Jack that he would of let him die - just as he claimed he'd leave Mike behind. BULLSHIT, and it was thinly veiled bullshit at that. It didn't work, Holloway sold it not working, and that I was impressed with. But it doesn't take much for JH to impress me. Man's got talent out the ass.

- I don't really care about next week's premise. At all. Boo hoo, life on the other side of the island sucks. I want to see Sayid smack a bitch (or at least get restrained from doing so) and Doctor!Hero!Jack seeing to Sawyer. It feels like another hiatus and that SUCKS.


- I forgot all about the awesomeness that was Locke finding out about Charlie and the smack. Loved it. Charlie, however, still sucks.

Supernatural 2x08 - Bugs -

- I'm still all verklempt over the preview for next week. Dean crying is what I've been waiting for. This week there was a moment that Ackles looked emotional fleetingly, and then he buried it. It's a slow build up to cracking. Which is beautiful.

I've discussed with Jessika at great length theories on The Brothers Dean and how the grew up, how they interact, all the WHYS that make me eat up a show that at first glance might seem hokey. God, LOOK DEEPER, people. It's laid out bare for you. For really knowing nothing, we know everything. Show, don't tell, has really applied here. The defense mechanisms the characters use. The way they express their emotions. Like, the fact that you can just see that Dean would die for his brother, he doesn't need to tell him, or us, that.

I have no doubt that Dean, for all intents and purposes, raised Sam. And with that role, comes his belief that he has to be the strong one. The stable one. But like everyone, even parents, Dean has weak spots - and one of them is certainly Lawrence, Kansas. A home, a mother, a different, loving father that played ball with him. It's all things that he remembers. Not Sam. So he's buried it, and what happens when you bury things? They fester, and eat at you and then when you're forced to face whatever it is - you crack, even if it's just a little. Dean doesn't want to go Home. He can handle anything but that. It's perfect, and beautiful, and it hasn't even aired yet, and I'm already amazed, all by a preview AND the fact that we've been building up to this. Which I appreciate beyond the telling of it.

Now, for more on the actual ep that aired, heh:

- Oh, HotDean, how I love you. The towel turban was the FUNNIEST. THING. EVER. It totally caught me by surprise, and I was highly amused. I'm gonna have to add that to my moodtheme, it's just too cute not to. "This shower is awesome." Hee! Ackles can sell any line, no matter how dorky, perfectly. Man has a way with comedy, and you all know that that's a skill that can send a person straight to my heart. LOL, I just can't get over why on God's green earth he would need that towel on his head like a little girl since he has, like, no hair. But DAMN am I glad it was there. Sight gags like that? AWESOME.

- The "honey" and the ass-slapping. BWAH! I love that they just went with it. Again, Ackles face - priceless.

- March? Comeasaywhat? What a weird, and huge, time jump. I hope there's a reason for it in a later storyline, 'cause if not, majorly weird.

- WHY, was SAM driving the car so much without Dean bitching about it? That bugged the hell out of me.

- The actual plot? Predictable. It totally reminded me of Xander's funny syphilis.

Veronica Mars 2x06 - Rat Saw God -

- LAMB, eeeeee! I'm so glad he won. I was sure he would though. The Mars Family can't end up back on top. That would throw the balance off too much.

- Weevil, I love you long time. But don't burn houses down. Even if it's Logan's. Then again, we don't know Weevil was involved yet. It might have been his "friends" without his knowledge.

- I knew the end "fakeout" was a fakeout since his face was covered with a magazine. However, I thought it was gonna be Dick for some reason. But being Logan? Much more fun.

- Hee! Joss, I love you long time too.

- Clarence rocks.

- Harry Hamlin? He rocks too.

- Lamb? He rocks the most.

- As soon as Veronica laid eyes on the ice machine I knew what had happened. That was on an ep of CSI I watched once, so I was just like, "Ohhhhh." Sad, though. I'm glad Veronica sat with Abel at the end. Should she have lied to him? I'm not sure. But hopefully it doesn't come back to bite her in the ass, since she seemed to be well-meaning about it.

- The "rat" who saw God? Very well played, RT, very well played indeed. Now I just need to know more, hee!

supernatural, vm, lost

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