Oct 06, 2007 23:58
We just finished Knocked Up and though I could have gone with a few less f-bombs, the movie was good. Funny thing was, it was so true. The fights the married couple had, my husband and I laughed hysterically because we've had those fights. The arguments about pregnant sex? been there. and the ever present hormones...got that t shirt. Even funnier...it made me want to have another baby. Okay, I'm already itching for another but we've decided that I should try to have surgery to fix my reflux before we get pregnant. But, I cried, I cried at the end because it was just so happy. I'm the one who whines the whole 10 months that I hate being preg, but it's so worth it in the end because you get this little person! Anyways...I highly recommend the movie. If you have kids, or want to, watch it...it's sooo true. All the good and all the bad, totally true.