Busy bee me. I'll work my way backwards.
Today Ainsley got a hair cut. Her first. It's adorable.
I thought her curls were just baby curls. Looks like I was wrong.
Such a ham.
Ainsley learned to play uno a few weeks ago and it's been her favorite thing since.
She can't hold all those cards, so she lays them out.
even knowing all her cards, we still lose to her. We really don't let her win.
She took this one herself. I think we can add another possible career choice to the list.
We celebrated Cheyenne's 28th birthday while he was home for the weekend.
I didn't make this awesome cake, my friend Melissa did. It was delicious.
Ainsley says the 28th birthday is the disco birthday.
BTW...I finished Wonderfalls and I really loved it. I don't know why I watch canceled shows. When they end I just feel sad. :(