Okay so here's the cranky rundown:
1) Ainsley has turned into some kind of devil spawn. I don't know if it's the change in scenery, the time change, the small hotel room, the heat, or just the age. (she is pushing 3, which I've been told is worse than 2)
2)We signed on an apartment, but it won't be ready until the end of September. Yes, that means 6 more weeks in a tiny hotel room with previously discussed devil spawn.
3) Cheyenne is leaving on the 25th of August to go meet the ship. That's right. I'll be stuck in formerly mentioned tiny hotel room with previously discussed devil spawn for 3 weeks ALL BY MYSELF!
Okay, I'll try to cut back on the pity party. There's more cranky news, but I'm holding off on letting you in on it for fear of tempting the cranky fates.
Here's some not cranky news:
1) We FINALLY found some Japanese food. You wouldn't think it hard, but it's been frustrating. We all really enjoyed it and it didn't even cost an arm and a leg.
2) Ainsley has decided to hop back on the potty. After some flushing problems and some moving problems she seems to be riding the porcelain waves. She goes by herself and hasn't had an accident yet!
2a)Ainsley went to "school" (the CDC) while Mommy and Daddy took their driving course. She loved it and even wore panties and didn't have an accident.
2b) We did pass our driving tests. Our scores were 98 and 94 respectively. Guesses on who got what? I bet you'll be surprised. Fun fact: Did you know that it's our right as American's under SOFA to refuse to sign something we can't understand, but we can be jailed for not signing? It's a little nuts and I've decided to retire my speed demon shoes for driving. I don't want hard labor for speeding. I think that we'd have less accidents in America if hard labor was a punishment option.
3) We will get to purchase a car after our Area Orientation courses next week. Thank goodness because the humidity is killing us! Ainsley has a permenant heat rash on her neck. It's worse than Maryland out here!
4) We got cell phones. They are not tiny like you would expect. They are normal sized and Cheyenne's even has a cool function where he can scan Japanese and it will translate for him. The guy was so cute, he loaded us some free ring tones. But he's obviously used to working with young sailors because all the ring tones are rap. 50Cent anyone?
5) The branch at church seems very tight knit, as expected. Funny thing is they are mostly my parents age. Weird huh? Old Navy out here I guess. Also, they called a new member of the branch presidency and he was my district president when I lived in Korea as a teenager. He remembered my parents very well. Small world. Oh! And for those of you at Fort Meade, the branch president here is driving Bishop Vest's van.
We do have pictures from our escapades out of the gate.
Ainsley loves that all the grocery stores have "Ainsley sized" carts. Lots of bicycles
They really do have vending machines everywhere!