Jun 22, 2008 11:06
Ainsley is at the point in potty training where she won't voluntarily go in a pull up or panties. This presents a problem because she is still not over her fear of public restrooms. (remind me to sue the makers of automatic flushing toilets for emotional distress) Yesterday we were out and about with the whole fam and Ainsley says she has to go poop. Now, this is always tricky because she doesn't get the distinction between number 1 and number 2. It's all poop to her. Here's how it went down:
Ainsley: I have to go poop! Let's go home.
Me: Let's just go in the bathroom and you can just see if you want to use it.
Ainsley: NO! (panic begins) No! I don't want to go to the restroom! (the difference between the bathroom and the restroom is not lost on her, one is at home, one might have an automatic flushing toilet)
I carry her into the restroom where she begins to have a melt down. With gas prices, grandparents needing to finish errands, and my general abhorrence at going home to use the toilet I take her to the car for a heart to heart.
Me: Sweetie, you are wearing a pull up, I have extras and wipes, why don't you just poop in your pull up and then I will change you.
Ainsley: Okay.
Nothing happens. So, we continue on with our trip to the commissary and go home where she can finally use the potty. This was not a fun experience though. I'm sorta proud that she could wait and that she refuses to go in her pull up, but it was not what I needed in the middle of the day. Like I said, I've got to give those inventors of automatic flushing toilets a piece of my mind. This is all their fault.
In other Ainsley news she changed her mind about the princess bed set. She now loves it and sleeps with it. I was going to take it back but she noticed it came in a carrying bag and that seemed to sway her. She carried the bag around the house and then I pulled the bedding out and she carried the bag while carrying the blanket separately.
Ainsley also found out that her "floaty suit" does just that. It floats. She was "swimming" all over the pool. From grandma to grandpa, to mommy and back again. She's so brave she even put her face in the water. That of course, brings new fears and I've been completely diligent in keeping her in my sights.
So many of my friends are having babies or moving, so I wish all of them luck and send my jealousy their way. I don't have orders, nor am I pregnant. You guys are sooo lucky!