
Dec 14, 2009 07:23

Title: Fallen Angels
Author: albinofrog (or crystalizedfrog here)
Fandom: Veronica Mars
Pairing/Character: Logan/Veronica, Logan/Lilly, Duncan/Veronica, Duncan/Meg, implied Lilly/Meg friendship, implied Lilly/Veronica can be taken as you want
Word Count: 953
Rating: Pg-13
Summary: It's been a year since her best friend died, and now Meg is gone too?!
Spoilers: For the first and second season
Warnings: mentions of sex, mentions of violence (obviously), incomplete sentences, overuse of italics, angst, crazy AU
Disclaimer: I am in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of Veronica Mars to my unfathomable sadness. No copyright infringement is intended.
Author's Note: Instead of studying for the final I now have in less than 5 hours, or instead of sleeping like any sane girl who has been awake for 24 hours, or instead of packing since I'm supposed to get on airplane really early tomorrow morning, or instead of cleaning up my apartment since I'm hoping to sublease it before I get back, I reworked this ficlet I wrote 2 years ago. Somewhere, my soul is weeping. Feedback much appreciated!

Meg is gone. The forever kind of gone. Gone like her best-friend is gone. Another friend buried six feet under. Another friend whose secrets will come back to haunt her. She was pregnant. Virginal Meg. With Duncan’s kid. Her head spins. She surmises that she’s had too much to drink to drive back now. She’s been fooling herself for too long anyway. There’s no going back anymore.

How could she have left her with the other '09ers? Out of all of them, Meg was supposed to be ok.

The hotel seems oddly empty even though it’s not late. It’s only around 9 and the cynical part of her brain thinks this should be the crossover period between the legitimately late and the people who need beds, but not to sleep on. But where are pervs when you need them? Certainly not leering, comfortingly, telling her that some things haven’t, in fact, changed, that some things never will. Instead she faces a scene out of a horror movie. The lobby is all but deserted. She wouldn’t be surprised to see tumbleweed.

She climbs the stares resolutely, Jack Daniels clutched in her hand to give her strength. Her stomps resound up the stairs. She’s expecting someone to meet her at the door. Just not who does. Guess Duncan isn’t here after all. Guess this whole trip was for nothing.

“Logan?” she asks anyways.

He’s shirtless and she’s horny in the ‘the world is falling down around me and I’ll do anything just to escape for a little while’ kind of way. She admits silently this is kinda desperate and if he says yes they’ll both regret it in the morning, but she’s always given into to impulse, and that sure as hell won’t change now. He isn’t looking at her though. He’s looking behind her into space. She wryly wonders if he’s seeing a Lilly twenty seconds behind her instead of the one in front of him and slightly to his left. If so, she hopes that Lilly smiles at him; she’s just noticed through her alcohol-induced haze that he looks particularly crappy today too and his eyes are burning.

He gasps “Veronica” then a split second later a high-pitched “Lilly” and then finally a hard won, spit-out “Dad” like his teeth are made of glass and every time a word’s uttered from his mouth his lips bleed. She’d forgotten that if events had worked out differently this would have been their anniversary; she’s too drunk to comprehend the train wreck that is Aaron Echolls. She kisses him suddenly like otherwise she’ll drown. They clutch at each other like lifelines and hope one morning they’ll wake up on top again and everything in the past year will just be a dream.

He pats her long blonde hair and mutters “Ronnie” in his sleep.

In the morning she’ll confront her little brother on how he could have been as careless and stupid and pig-headed as to have knocked up Meg (and gotten over Veronica, she can't help thinking. Imperfectly perfect little V who was always going to be her sister one day, one way or another and who deserves better even if she is...lost and gone forever. Even if she was dating Logan at the time. Even if she purposely seduced Logan, even if she purposely broke them up with some bullshit story about Yolanda. She knows now, in retrospect that never happened like that, that Veronica was always loyal even to her very last breath, but it doesn't even goddamn matter anymore. It could've happened that way for all she cares; she always knew there was something between those two anyway. She wasted nearly a year being mad at V, and that's a 10th of their friendship, a 16th of her life, and she wants that back. She just wants her friend back. Friends. She's too young to know this many dead people. Oh God, *Meg*).

In the morning she’ll have to face Logan’s look of disappointment when he wakes up to discover yet again that his girlfriend’s dead, that his own father trapped 'Ronnie' in a tiny refrigerator and burned her to death.

...And all he has left now is his bitch of an ex who caused it. In the morning she’ll have to remember yet again that it was because of tapes she, herself had asked Veronica to get, and that she hadn’t even bothered to warn her what was on them.

And maybe in the morning, she thinks, she’ll finally have the strength to cut off her hair. Finally. It was the symbol of a sisterhood between a sinner and a saint and it was great while it lasted, but both of them knew they'd be different people once they had to live without it. Now she's been forced to (way, way too early), and instead of a tribute, the hair just seems like a mockery. A whispered ‘Ronnie’ from the boy beside her petting it is her only answer, but she’d swear there’s a Veronica on the ceiling smiling down at her.

In technicolor? CLEARLY, she's still drunk, but damn...that's kinda awesome.

Maybe she’d better go shopping for a new wardrobe as well. Is she laughing now?! Huh. Her imagination's kinder than her consciousness. Anything to distance herself from the naïve, happy girl she once was, and she currently can’t stand. And she thought she was so knowledgeable about the world! She was goddamn sheltered.

But maybe the morning can be a brand new beginning. Maybe the morning can be the start of making what's left of their lives right again. She'll try, because for better or worse she's the only one left around to do it, and because she doesn't want to disappoint the lovely vision.

When she dreams, she sees pocket knives and bright stripes and motherfucking butch boots and in the distance: the glimmer of a chance at contentment. A brand new Lilly the likes of which Neptune's never seen.

And bonds that are stronger than life, stronger even than death.

It is definitely Veronica smiling down at her.
If only she had the ability left to tell her everything’s going to be all right, she could almost smile back at her.
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