Feb 11, 2016 13:36
OK folks. It is that time again.
Very, very rarely, do I speak out on any socio-political topics but every so often, comes a time when a person must speak their truth. so here I am. Take it or leave it.
By the way, Facebook says that socio-political cant be a thing... but I beg to differ.
I have seen so many posts lately, some up in arms and some in support of Beyonce. Tell you what.... I didn't watch the Super Bowl. Nor have I seen any videos of what went down. I don't need to.
Short and sweet and to the point, here is my deal:
* I am pro Black
* I am pro White
* I am pro Asian
* I am pro Indigenous Peoples
* I am pro Dread Locks
* I am pro body modification
* I am pro Wolf
* I am pro animal protection
* I am pro Feminine
* I am pro Masculine
* I am pro choice
* I am pro life
* I am pro healing
* I am pro acceptance
* I am pro Christian
* I am pro Pagan
* I am pro Buddhist
* I am pro Christmas
* I am pro Yule/ Solstice
* I am pro GLBT
* I am pro heterosexual
* I am pro Oneness
* I am pro Individuality
* I am pro any one who needs to speak out
* I am pro any one who prefers to just observe and keep quiet.
And so much more.
So, how can all of that exist inside one individual without conflict? Simple. One thing that I am NOT *pro* is hatred. I am also NOT for the Supremacy of any one type/genre/gender/culture/religion over any other. And I don't feel the need to promote fear-based propaganda.
These are not conflicted ideas. Nor are they two-faced. In fact, they are about as raw and honest as it gets because NONE of these concepts are in any way mutually exclusive. To me, this is freeing and empowering. To me, this is simply "pro peace" and "pro love".
Don't like my points of view? Feel free to comment and tell me what you feel. Just respect my right to feel the way that I do. If you cant do that, please feel free to unfriend me.
I wish you nothing but love, light, grace, beauty, healing and forgiveness as you walk your path.