Buzz Words

Nov 03, 2015 03:23

I thought that I had something to say. But then I  found myself staring at a blank page until the screen went dark. So many thoughts swirling around in my mind but all refuse to take the shape of sentences, words or even letters.
Thinking that I had more to say reminded me of a favorite song by Pink Floyd. I could just type the words that someone else wrote & sing them as I do so but that seemed like a total ripoff so I abandoned that idea as well.
And then it occurred to me that mosquitoes are evil little sons of bitches because they have no compunction about gnawing on the tender flesh in the arch of my foot. I've decided that I truly despise mosquitoes. And I currently have a ravenous little blood sucking fiend hovering around my head, making tiny whirring noises in my ear. This is not making me any happier.
It is 3am & I'm getting tired. Would love to get a little sleep. Go away mosquito, foul minion of Hell. I'm done with you. That's all I've got for now.
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