Please post your requests
here as a comment. When you give me pictures, the bigger, the better. It just gives me more freedom to crop and edit. And I don't mean to sound rude or be a bitch but please look at my other graphics and see if that's the kind of style you want. I don't want to work on a colour bar/"Friends only" banner/icon only to have the person say "It's not what I'm looking for, sorry." It's just annyoing and I've wasted my time. There are plenty of examples of my work right below so look before you request. Copy+Paste/fill out the following form(s) depending on what you want.
Colour bars:
Colour barPictures: Colors (optional):Border (yes or no):______ is love.:Font: (Type/Colour)
Connected or detached:Font: Icons (sorry, non-animated):
IconPictures: What you want it to say (if anything):Font: (Type/Colour)
Border (yes or no):Colour scheme: (choose a colour, gradiant (this takes a bit longer), black & white, sepia, or none) "Friends only" banners:
"Friends only" bannersPictures: What you want it to say:Font: (Type/Colour)
Border (yes or no):Colour scheme: (choose a colour, gradiant (this takes a bit longer), black & white, sepia, or none) I will delete your comments after you have picked your request up so plase save your image or the code.I set the date in the future so that this will always be at the top of the page.