Title: One Vision
Music: One Vision, from We Will Rock You (Queen)
Format: wmv & streamed
Size: 19.4 MB
Disclaimer: Much as I'd like to own the Tron universe, it belongs to Disney. One Vision belongs to Queen and Ben Elton.
Summary: Clu has a vision, and he's spent the past thousand cycles persuading everyone to share it.
Notes: I wanted to do
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Fav sequence: No heart (Rinzler), no soul (Clu), just one solution (derezzing all who would oppose Clu)
Looking forward to the finished piece, when the DVD comes out in April right ;)
I may end up making a trilogy of these - One Vision, Under Pressure, and then a medley of others that also seem to fit. But One Vision is definitely going to become a full vid.
And here's hoping for April - that's what I've heard too.
Under Pressure will be Sam, Quorra, Flynn and Rinzler. I think that these lyrics in particular are very Flynn:
Turned away from it all like a blind man
Sat on a fence but it don't work
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