Jun 13, 2005 22:00
Dear God
i know i haven't been a very good girl recently, but i could really use your help right now. i feel it is now impossible for me to cram any more knowledge into my already saturated brain tonight and therefore will retire to bed and hope that more knowledge will somehow miraculously enter my brain during the night...not that i'm asking this favour of you or anything. no, what i want from YOU is just a simple token...of your appreciation that i DO believe in you (hey, it's a start) and i'll marry in a church and all. if you could find it in your heart to merely make sure the exam tomorrow is on the following topics:
- tropical savannah
- long term climatic change and global warming
- earthquakes but NOT tropical storms
- immigration and multi-culturalism
- conflict over a resource
that would be very much appreciated and returned with renewed faith in your wonderful self. if you do this, i promise i will endaevour to not take the lords name in vain anymore and be a reasonably better person. however, if you do not do this, and i find that the exam tomorrow is on soils, TNCs and burglary, i'm afraid there will be serious consequences and i shall join a cult religion a la the simpsons where we will worship a space god on a far away planet and pick beans in long robes. just a friendly warning. i know you're a nice God, and you'd never fail me in any way. so here's to my subsequent A! thank you for your time.
yours sincerely, your loving servant, charlotte