I hate when I say something, and nothing is said in return. Feels like a waste of breath.
Last night I went to PBD's with Johnny. It was fun. We saw Adam trying to dance to a salsa type song. haha it was cute. I wanna be a bartender! haha
So Johnny mentions to me that he wants to go to Cullinary school. (IRON CHEF JOHNNY) I said I'd thought about it too!! I need to learn to cook anyways right? haha So he's like YEA lets gooooo and then we open up a bed n breakfest! haha.
So we leave PBD's...I go home cause Johnny was gonna have company over and I didn't wanna be around..hehe...Got online and talked to C.R. when I get a call at like 4:30am...Johnny picks me up and off we go to IHOP. Got home close to 6am. Read a little bit, rewrote some stuff I'm working on in a lyrics journal. Went to bed.
Tonight:: Adam invited us to go swimming and stuff. There's a show too that I might go to. Depending on how much cover is and if I can get money. Shit forgot to tell Ralph to ask for my check. I hope I have one last one...I'm pretty sure I do? Then I got a call from an old friend. He wants to see me. I can't cause well..haha..I won't go into detail.
I want Imogen Heap's and Alanis's new albums!
HAHAH C.R. just showed me this
Happy Tree FriendsCracked me up! Well I guess that's it for now!!!!!!
Never eat a grapefruit near your computer! heh