Apr 05, 2011 21:47

LJ sucks lately.

Although I been and while I was off LJ the only challenges that I seem to remember for communities is "BAD FICS"

So had some fun today finishing up one. Also went to a few groups with Owen today so he an I had a lot of fun.

I figured I share the bad fics for amusement. XD

“I amz ur g8est fan!” the gurl said. “Just call me Castle#1fan for short. I luvs u”

Ricky Castle appeard abaffled with the stocker gurl. Ricky was also g8ful she luved his sexxiness.

ESSSSpo, Rian, and Bickeeet enterz.

“Nozzz,” yallz the gurl. “Hez mine. You three can not havez Rickky.”

“I dontz like name Ricky…”

“Me don’t care what u think,” gurlz hiiizzed. “I like it so U do!”

The gurl turnz and notize Bickeeet, ESSSpo amnd Rian and pointing gunz at her…

“STEP awayyy from da writer,” Rian spooooooooooooooooook.

“Noz, I ssellf-insertted me here on purpose,” gurl yelled. “Nooonnez going to stoppp I.”

Then da gurl pullz out a ….

Aothur Notz: Wantz to find about whatz happenz to Ricky’s fangurl? Me needzz revewwws lots of revewws. At least 4.67 bizzilionZ!!

Titlez: Prooblemanic TARDIS
Characterz/PARzing: Bratman, Souperman, TARDIS, Martiani Manhunnteer, Sheldon Coupiar, Hulkie, Captain Planette. Martiani/Coupiar - Dontz likez crozz speicalizal orz zlash parz don’t reedz!
Summaree: TARDIS Faileeer = mazzziveChaoz

“Souperman I havz locatez the zource of madnezzz onz ourz planetz.”

“What iz it Bratman??”’

“A TARDIS! That is normally locataz on Dooctorz WHOZER Vverzze.”

“What exactzlee iz it doininz?”

“Bringz random people from other worldz here. 99.99999% are badz.”

“Sooo one out of a tonz turned outz good so farz. Whoz is dat?”

“CAPtaine GREEn EaRth MAnz.”

“I likezz to meet himz where iz hez”

“Hez helpz uz with dat TARDIS probelmz.”


SOmewherez else on earthzy. CAPtaine planette AKA GREEN EaRth MAnz is figthingz dat HULKIE!

“Okay, Misster TOXIC WAZTE! You can not hurt uz”

“EaRth ....

“Firez ...



“and HEARTZZZ!!”’

“Those powerz combined makez CAPtain planette .... now knowz as GREEN eaRth MAnz!

“Hulkiez SMASHHH wannabe powerz Rangas!”

“Notz on my dooteee,” CAPtain planette zaid before hez hit Hulkiez in face.”


Hulkiez MAD very MAD hez MADDER than Hulkie EVER BEEN MAD.

CAPtaine planette sawz toxic man regeneratez ... The toxic wazte gave him souper dooper regnnnning powerz.

“coolzz, someone quick pur wazte on mez!” one of minions of green eaRTGH man rejoooyced.

“NOOOZZZ, dontz goz to dat darkz sidez!”

“HULKIE notz toxic! No one willz ever kiszzz me causez me green but dat doz notz meanz Imz toxicz. Mez sad no onez lovez me”

Hulkiez CRIEzz

“Zuress that dat mostz belieeeevable talez ivez everrrr hearzz. NOTZZZZ. BEGONEZ TOXIC GREEN Man!”

“NOOZ, hez seems ligitt on dis!!! Havez a heart CAPtaine planette. GIVEZ himz a chance!!!



“Butz next piece of litterrrrrrz hes droperss hez GONE!!!”


Martiani Manhuunter hearz overz his radiarrre.

“TARDIS ALERT! TARDIS ALERT! It’s nearz you MArntiani!”

“I gotz dis!!!”

“ARE U soooooooooore? DAT TARDIS is dangerrrouszz” Bratman blurtzed

“I amz,” Martiani anzswereddd. “Dis cantz be worze than whatz my peoplez facez on marz!”


DAAA TARDIS appearz!

Outz comez Sheldon Coupiar. DA gennnus lookz at Martianiz.

“Ohh I knowz my purposez herez. I wrotez aboutz dis back in school. Imz heres to savez yourz race.”

“Youz aboutz 11.22454 millionz yearz too latez.” Crizzz Martianti. “Miez race dis gonzzz.”


Martiatiz lookz intoz Coupiarz eyezz.

“Maybeeez itz notz too latzz for my race after allz.”


“WE can beez a parz. Ivez neverrr connectz with anyonez likez dis before.”’

“I cantz blamez you. Humaniodzz arez sooo weridddzz. I havez nevers foundz someone for mez either.

“Soz letz goz back to MARZZ and reproduce! Put the MARSHAN back intozz MARZ!”

“SEXXX? Noz datz groosssssseeeee.”

“No notz sex... Marshanzzz doz thingzz differently than humannzzzz.”

“Yes, I willzz be knownz to savezz a racezz, MARSHAN kindz.”

(authoooor Notzzz to MARSHANS nexxtz chapterz willz be NC17 in alienz termmz but maybeez not to humanzzz)

“Whatzzzz dat situazzationz.” BRATMANZZZ shoutzz

“Goodz newz, MOREZ good newz, and a little bad newzz.” Martiani repliezz.

“Good newz - TARDIS dropz off a personz namez Sheldon Coupiar!”

“Ohh Ivez hearz dat manz a gennnnus! DAtz greatz newz.”

Morezz goodz newzzz. Sheldon and me arezz goz to MARZ to reproducez.

Arezz you two menzz?

YEZZZ, Butz MARSHAN reproduce differezzzntly than HUMANZZZ

Whatz the badz newzzz

Wez are going toleavez nowz.

BUTZ the TARDIS problem!!! Whatz aboutz dat?

Hearz a doctorz whozer or somethingz likezz thatz canz helpzz.

BYE BYE!!! WE arez off to MARZ.


NEXT chapterzz!!

Will BRATman and souperman findz doctor whozer?
Whoz willz the TARDIS bringz next to da world.
And How do MARSHAN’z reproducezz?

Find that out and morzzz. Nextz chapterzzz

Pleeazzz revleeewwws!
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