a trip back in time, what would you change?

May 08, 2007 22:33

What would you do if you had a token that could turn back time? Is there any one thing you'd change? Do you ever wonder that you may not be alone with what you hope to change? I don't know if i could pick just one thing...perhaps fucking with the system would do more damage and in some cases you're struck wondering if thats even possible. When I think back on all the things I wish never happened shit the list is long! Everyone whos said I'm a strong chic, you've surely overlooked a bold weakness of shame. (Advice-alway make sure your voice is heard and when you're scared and confide in one person and they're telling you to take action and report, do it!) Then I ask myself what could change now that would make it ok....nothing, but what could be done to clean the filth I feel...and i'm left without answers. Don't be the majority, stand out and be heard!

Never give up, and don't fight something thats a given freeby. Took ya for granted and now I don't know what you are to me aside from blood related. I'm at a loss of where to go from here now and I wish it weren't so. I wish I loved you like I think I could've.

I would change how the wounds need mending, I would make it so there was no wounds...and if that were the case ....I wonder where would i be now?

I refuse to breakdown, I've just lost a bit of faith.
whole thought process of this entry was inspired by the movie "sweet november"

three days grace - are you ready

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