Jun 27, 2008 16:02
I, the Oceanic Demigod, have to choose wisely as to what shall represent me best. I need surround myself with items that echo my oceanic being - it's flowing grace and tranquility.
With such, I have chosen a most immaculate chariot for my Divine Person - a Toyota Solara. Such a chariot is a pleasing experience for both the one(s) inside and for those whose gaze lands upon it's divine form.
Sad am I to have discovered that Toyota plans to discontinue its manufacturing of such divine chariots in November of 2008.
Such an act will be most devastating to Toyota's reputation with divine entities and the word shall spread. I am a protective deity that will bestow many blessings to those I favor. Yet those who spurn my wrath shall feel the full vengeance of my oceanic fury. Upon that time when Toyota discontinues a deity's favored divine chariot, a curse shall fall upon them full of financial woe and public disgrace.
Toyota will fall out of favor and the full unfathomable fury of the oceans shall bear down upon them. For they even have the audacity to replace a most immaculate vehicle with one known as the Toyota Venza - a disgusting and pathetic excuse for a squished quasi-SUV. They DARE dethrone the Solara Goddess with this peasant trash.
In turn I shall take the Solara Goddess under my wing and and maintain her glory under my Divine Stewardship. She and her kind will always maintain their status in the realms and domains under my Divine Influence.
Sana Kelia Et Aurelia!