Apr 16, 2009 10:15

.....okay, so there's only two, but still.

FIRST. THE COURT RECORD. Yeah, I'm a Phoenix Wright dork, but can you blame me when there's an actual line in the play that goes, "Mary Warren, how came you to this turnabout?" Seriously.

That's what we used during the court scenes. XD;

OBJECTION! My client is not a witch!

But she is dressed as one.

You dressed her up like this!

W-well, we did do the nose...and the hat. But she's a witch!

Speaking of being dressed as a witch, I wore a face-mask while I was backstage so that I didn't get the actors who had more than six lines sick, and looked really freaking creepy. XD;; I startled our Abigail pretty badly when I showed up backstage in it.

What's funny about it is, at the beginning of the play, my character had just come from the doctor. XD;;

(and yes, before you ask, I've been wearing masks when I have colds since before I played T&T. XD; Go figure, right?)

In other news, registration for classes and roommates and housing is all so much trouble. ;~; Thanks to my reclusive habits and general reluctance to be like "HEY WANNA ROOM WITH ME," I had no idea who I'd room with, and was this close to leaving it up to the roll of the dice. HOWEVER, I got up EARLY this morning, and ran into JT, who's this neat gay guy. I was like, I HAVE NO ROOMMATES and he was like WELL, WE NEED A FOURTH PERSON. I love it when things come together. I'll be rooming with three guys, but honestly? They're okay guys, and it could be WAY worse. I'll have my own room, and they've declared that they're going to decorate the common room with internet memes, and none of the dishes will match. "If you MUST have matching dishes, then please to be keeping them in your room," they told me.

And I'd rather room with people I know than with total strangers. So it all worked out for the best. I love it when things just....come together, y'know?

school, roomies wat, great moments in the life of krystal, fandom, the crucible, phoenix wright, real life, picspam, crucible

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