50 Shippy TV Moments

Mar 21, 2010 17:51

So, the current picspammy challenge is Fifty and as I'm a big shipper I thought doing 50 Shippy TV Moments would be a good idea. I've never actually posted to the community before so I'm a bit nervous about this though.

Anyway, here's the picspam. I hope you like it! And if you disagree with any of my choices or think I've left any obvious ones out please say so in the comments.


50. Picard/Crusher
Star Trek: The Next Generation - Attached

Picard: So now that we've had this unique experience, what do we do?
Crusher: What do you mean?
Picard: You know exactly what I mean.
Crusher: No, I don't. The implant's been removed, remember?
Picard: Now that we know how each of us feels, perhaps we should not be afraid to explore those feelings.
(she kisses his cheek)
Crusher: Or perhaps we should be afraid. I think I should be going now.

Ah, I remember when this episode first aired. Ten-year-old me was so torn. I was so happy that they actually acknowledged their feelings for each other but so upset that it didn’t go anywhere.


49. Barney/Robin
How I Met Your Mother - Zip Zip Zip

Barney: You suited up!
Robin: Well I figured if I’m gonna do this, I’m gonna do this right.
Barney: Emilio, the woman will have-
Robin: I’ll have a Johnny Walker Blue. Neat. And a Monte Cristo, number two. Thanks.

She suits up for him! And she knows her scotch and cigars. Ok, so at this point they’re just friends and she has feelings for Ted but I still think this sets up how well they go together.


48. Tom/B’Elanna
Star Trek: Voyager - Blood Fever

Tom: Yeah, I know. You're afraid that your big, scary Klingon side might have been showing. Well, I saw it up close, and you know, it wasn't so terrible. In fact, I wouldn't mind seeing it again someday.
B’Elanna: Careful what you wish for, Lieutenant.

Even when they're no longer under the influence of Vulcan sex hormones, the spark is still there.


47. Harm/Mac
JAG- Answered Prayers

Mac: Uh oh. Awkward moment number 310.

Good old mistletoe. Friend of shippers everywhere.


46. Logan/Max
Dark Angel - Out

Logan (on phone): Yeah...Word on the net is he’s a weapons dealer?...Mm-hmm...Okay, this is definitely something Eyes Only’s going to have to get into...Really? When?...Tonight? No, I can’t. I’ll have to call you tomorrow...Yeah. Bye.
(Logan hangs up.)
Max: Don’t hold up the war on my account.
Logan: The world will still be broken in the morning.

After being an idiot at the beginning of the episode Logan finally realises his priorities. Max > Everything else.


45. Janeway/Chakotay
Star Trek: Voyager - Resolutions

Janeway: I guess I'm not used to that kind of work. My knots are getting knots.
Chakotay: Here, let me help.
Janeway: Oh, that feels good.
Chakotay: I've had a lot of practice at this. My mother used to get sore necks all the time. I was the only one she'd trust not to make it worse.
Janeway: That's much better. Thank you. Well, I'm going to go to bed now. I'll see you in the morning.
Chakotay: Sleep well, Kathryn.
Janeway: Yes. You too.

The whole episode was one big shippy dream. Shame the writers pressed that damn reset button at the end and it was like none of it ever happened.


44. Mulder/Scully
The X-Files - Detour

Scully: Mulder, you need to keep warm. Your body’s still in shock.
Mulder: I was told once that the best way to regenerate body heat was to crawl naked into a sleeping bag with somebody else who’s already naked.
Scully: Well, maybe if it rains sleeping bags you’ll get lucky.

Dammit, why couldn’t it have rained sleeping bags?


43. Piper/Leo
Charmed - Forever Charmed

Piper: Triple word score!
Leo: Hold it, that’s not spelled right.
Piper: Sure it is.
Leo: No, it’s not!
Piper: No? Is that an official challenge?

It’s only a small part of a larger scene with them in but I love how it shows that, after everything they’ve been through, Piper and Leo get to grow up and be a happy old couple who play scrabble together.


42. Grissom/Sara
CSI - Crate 'n' Burial

Sara: Hey, Grissom. Can you come tape me up?
Grissom: I love my job.

See, Grissom has time for bondage fun. And Sara totally didn’t need to actually be taped up to do her little deduction. She just wanted Grissom to do it.


41. Troi/Riker
Star Trek: The Next Generation - Conundrum

Troi: Ode to Psyche. John Keats.
Riker: Open it.
Troi: "To Will, all my love, Deanna."
Riker: That may explain some of the familiar feelings we have.
Troi: I don't know what to think.

Even when they don’t know who they are, they know that they mean something to each other.


40. Sydney/Vaughn
Alias - Passage part 1

Vaughn: This watch belonged to my father. It’s broken now, but it used to keep perfect time. And when he gave it to me, he said, you could set your heart by this watch. It stopped October 1st, the day we met.

The watch that launched a thousand fanfics!


39. Adama/Roslin
Battlestar Galactica - Unfinished Business

Roslin: Is this really it, Bill? Is this how we’re going to spend all the rest of our days? Maybe we should just enjoy this.
Adama: I am.
Roslin: No, no. I mean enjoy being here on this planet as long as it lasts. I mean, maybe the Cylons come back, maybe they don’t but for now, right not, we’ve got a break.

And she absolutely would have built a cabin for the two of you.


38. Fran/Maxwell
The Nanny - A Pup in Paris

Fran: Oh Mr. Sheffield, I just wanted you to know that these last three years have been just the best years of my life.
Maxwell: Oh God - my children! Oh, they adored you Miss Fine.
Fran: Ya know, now would be a good time to call me Fran.
Maxwell: I love you.

Good old “We’re about to die!” situations. They can always be relied on to bring out the truth (even if he takes it back afterwards.)


37. Sam/Jack
Stargate SG-1 - Divide and Conquer

Jack: I didn’t leave because I'd've rather died myself than lose Carter.
Anise: Why?
Jack: Because I care about her. A lot more than I'm supposed to.

An actual admission of feelings! I think my shipper heart leapt out of my chest at this point!


36. Lois/Clark
Lois and Clark the New Adventures of Superman - Soul Mates

HG Wells: I simply chose the most powerful personality I knew - Superman’s - and discovered something quite remarkable along the way. It seems that your soul in intertwined with hers, like soul mates.
Lois: Soul mates?
HG Wells: Wherever his was, there was yours. Never one without the other. Two lovers destined to meet and fall in love over and over again throughout time.

When HG Wells tells you you’re soul mates, that’s when you KNOW you belong together!


35. Doctor/Rose
Doctor Who - The End of the World

Doctor: I’m a Time Lord. I’m the last of the Time Lords. They’re all gone. I’m the only survivor. I’m left travelling on my own because there’s no one else.
Rose: There’s me.

And then they go get chips! How adorable are they?


34. Marshall/Lily
How I Met Your Mother - Something Borrowed

Marshall: Lily, there are a million reasons why I love you. You make me laugh and you take care of me when I'm sick. You're sweet, caring, and you even created an egg dish and named it after me. She puts a little Italian dressing in the scrambled eggs before she cooks them. It's called "Egg Marshall" and it's awesome. But the main reason that I love you is that you're my best friend, Lily. You're the best friend I ever had.
Lily: Marshall, I love you because you're funny and you make me feel loved and you make me feel safe. And for our anniversary you gave me a sweatshirt that says, "Lily and Marshall: Rockin' It Since '96. Kinda wish I was wearing it right now cos it smells like you. but the main reason I love you, Marshall Erickson, is you make me happy. You make me happy all the time.

And so Lily and Marshall get the ceremony they wanted all along and it’s so romantic it makes Barney cry.


33. John/Aeryn
Farscape - Look at the Princess Part 3: The Maltese Crichton

In case you don’t know what’s going on here, they’re testing whether their DNA is compatible. And judging by their smiles at the end I’d say it is!


32. Charlie/Zoey
The West Wing - These Crackpots and These Women

Josh: Charlie, have you met Zoey Barlet?
Charlie: No, it’s a pleasure to meet you ma’am.
Zoey: Hi.
Josh: Okay, hang on a second. Let’s take it back a moment and give it another chance. This is a girl, Charlie. You don’t have to call her ma’am.
Charlie: I beg your pardon. Did I call you...
Zoey: Zoey.
Charlie: I should call you Zoey?
Zoey: If I can call you Charlie.

How adorable are these two? It breaks my heart that they didn’t get a proper resolution to their storyline.


31. Jack/Irina
Alias - Passage part 2

Jack: I know what you’re thinking.
Irina: Do you?
Jack: Toaster.
Irina: (laughs)
Sydney: What are you guys talking about?
Jack: We used to have this toaster at home. It was broken and using it one night I started a small fire.
Irina: We had something like this to drink and we both had a little too much.
Jack: I forgot about the toast I was making.
Sydney: When was this?
Irina: You were... four years old. There was so much smoke, we had to move out for a week. We stayed in that hotel.
Sydney: Wait, was that the hotel with the sundaes?
Irina: Mm-hmm
Jack: I think you had one every night.

Sweet spy-fam moments! And a reminder of the fact that Jack and Irina have all this history together that we just haven’t seen.


30. Booth/Brennan
Bones - The Blonde in the Game

Booth: I got something for ya.
Brennan: A bottle of hard liquor?
Booth: The next best thing.
(Booth holds out a toy pig in his hand)
Booth: Meet Jasper.
(Brennan laughs)
Booth: You’re gonna be ok.
Brennan: Yeah?
Booth: Definitely.

So not only is Booth ridiculously sexy, he’s also unbelievably sweet. I swear Brennan, if you two don’t get together soon I’m going to find a way to climb into my television set and have him myself.


29. Jack/Ianto
Torchwood - To The Last Man

Jack: This time tomorrow, he'll be back in 1918.
Ianto: In his own time. Would you go back to yours? If you could?
Jack: Why, would you miss me?
Ianto: Yep.
Jack: I left home a long time ago. I don't really know where I really belong. Maybe
that doesn't matter anymore.
Ianto: I - don’t you get lonely?
Jack: Going home wouldn't fix that. Being here, I've seen things I never dreamt I'd
see. Loved people I never would have known if I'd just stayed where I was. And I wouldn't change that for the world.
(Ianto kisses Jack.)

There are quite a few Jack/Ianto scenes that revolve around sex or innuendo, but this is one of the sweet ones where you can actually see a meaningful future for them as a real possibility.


28. Sheldon/Penny
The Big Bang Theory - The Bath Item Gift Hypothesis

Penny: Sheldon! What did you do?!
Sheldon: I know! It’s not enough, is it? Here.
Penny: Leonard, look! Sheldon’s hugging me!

I love this whole scene but it’s a bit too long to quote the entire thing. She gives him Leonard Nimoy’s DNA! He hugs her! It’s a Saturnalia miracle!


27. Roslin/Adama
Battlestar Galactica - Blood on the Scales

I love this scene. I mean I love this whole episode but this scene is just beautiful. He’s alive. He’s alive and she’s alive and it’s over. For now, at least.


26. Barney/Robin
How I Met Your Mother - Sandcastles in the Sand

Barney: You’re the most awesome person I have ever known. Well, second most awesome.
Robin: Right. Of course the first being you.
Barney: No. No. The first is this guy who lives in a place called the mirror. What up!

He thinks she’s awesome. And she is.


25. Jadzia/Worf
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - You Are Cordially Invited

Ah, a Klingon wedding in springtime. I loved Worf and Jadzia together and this episode made me so happy. I choose to ignore certain events that came later.


24. Willow/Tara
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Family

Willow: I still can’t believe you didn’t tell me about your family and all that.
Tara: I was just afraid if you saw the kind of people I came from, you wouldn’t wanna be anywhere near me.
Willow: See, that’s where you’re a dummy. I think about what you grew up with and, then I look at what you are, it makes me proud. It makes me love you more.
Tara: Every time I...even when I’m at my worst, you always make me feel special. How do you do that?
Willow: Magic.

Eeee! I think I squeed so hard at this ep my voice went supersonic. How amazing are these two?


23. Tony/Ziva
NCIS - Jet Lag

Tony: Nora was right. I found my favourite picture, and it’s the only one with someone in it.

Aw, so sweet Tony! And the revelation that they shared a bed was almost too much for the shippers to take! Shame they haven’t really moved forward with this storyline at all.


22. Xena/Gabrielle
Xena: Warrior Princess - Been There, Done That

Xena:It's not the Fates; it's not Ares; it's not something that I ate. No, I have no poison dart marks. I have no Bacchae bites.
Joxer: Is that a hickey?

I love all their reactions here. I think we all know exactly how Xena got that hickey!


21. Buffy/Angel
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Amends

Angel: Am I a thing worth saving, huh? Am I a righteous man? The world wants me gone!
Buffy: What about me? I love you so much. And I tried to make you go away. I killed you and it didn’t help.

Really, that line should have been hilarious but it’s not. Because this is Buffy and Angel and their epic love and even though it’s not exactly a happy moment, this scene gave me so much hope for them.


20. Chuck/Sarah
Chuck - Chuck Versus the Imported Hard Salami

A good “We’re about to die!” kiss. And I love that she’s the one who initiates it.


19. Michael/Sara
Prison Break - Chicago

Sara: The first thing they tell you when you get the job is, um, never to fall in love with an inmate.

She comes out and admits it! And this scene is so beautiful, I love their kiss here.


18. Booth/Brennan
Bones - The End in the Beginning

Brennan: Cam says the reason I didn’t hear the gunshot is because I’m cheating on you.
Booth: Oh well, Jared thinks I’m, you know, the killer, and he’s helping me get away with it,
Brennan: So you’re a murderer, I’m unfaithful… we are a very exciting couple.

Ok, maybe this is cheating because it’s not them, it’s AU them, but this scene sums up for me how perfect Booth and Brennan are for each other. Their unfailing trust in each other and the way they don’t even consider the idea that these things could be true says so much.


17. Max/Logan
Dark Angel - Blah Blah Woof Woof

Look how hard it is for her to leave him. Oh, they were so good together.


16. Ross/Rachel
Friends - The One with the Prom Video

Phoebe: See, he’s her lobster!

One of the defining romantic moments of our generation! And the episode that made us all think of lobsters as a romantic animal.


15. Ned/Chuck
Pushing Daisies - The Fun in Funeral

Ned: I made a choice and I would do it again. I let Lawrence Schatz die and if I was faced with that choice right now, I would make that same choice. You could put me in a loop and I would make the same choice every time, that’s how confident I am that it was the right choice for me to make. I’m sorry if that makes me a bad person. But I’m not sorry that you’re alive.

If that's not an epic declaration of love, I don't know what is.


14. Jack/Sam
Stargate SG-1 - Window of Opportunity

Jack: Excuse me, George?
Hammond: Colonel, what are you doing out of uniform?
Jack: Handing you my resignation.
Sam: You’re resigning? What for?
Jack: So I can do... this.

Ah, the joys of repeating day episodes. They can give us shippers what we want without all the pesky consequences.


13. Tony/Ziva
NCIS - Truth or Consequences

Ziva: Tony! Why are you here?
Tony: Couldn’t live without ya, I guess.
Ziva: So you will die with me. You should have left me alone.
Tony: Ok...tried...couldn’t... listen, you should know I’ve taken some kind of truth serum, so if there’s any questions you don’t want to know the answer to...

Not the most romantic of situations I know, and he’s obviously trying to be glib with his admission that he can’t live without her, but he is under the influence of truth serum when he says it.


12. Chuck/Sarah
Chuck - Chuck versus the Delorean

Sarah: Why did you put the money in Chuck’s account?
Jack: I needed to put it somewhere because I didn’t trust Cop Face.
Sarah: But you trusted Chuck?
Jack: I read people. That’s the only real talent I’ve got. One thing I know is that that kid would never betray you. I made a $10 million bet that he loved you. Turns out I was right.

Ok, again I’m kinda cheating because this isn’t a Chuck/Sarah scene, but I love it so much. The bond between Chuck and Sarah is so obvious and real even her father sees it.


11. Xena/Gabrielle
Xena: Warrior Princess - Many Happy Returns

Xena: Close your eyes.
Gabrielle: What is this?
Xena: Open it. I had Sappho jot something down for ya.
Gabrielle: A poem? Sappho wrote a poem for me, I don’t believe it, Xena! You had this planned all along didn’t you?

“There’s a moment when I look at you
And no speech is left in me.
My tongue breaks.
Then fire races under my skin and I tremble.
And grow pale for I am dying of such love
Or so it seems to me.”

I don’t usually like the later seasons of Xena but this scene just has to be included. She commissioned Sapphic love poetry for Gabrielle! I really don't see how people can still argue that they weren't a couple.


10. Tom/B’Elanna
Star Trek: Voyager - Day of Honour

B’Elanna: There’s something I have to say.
Tom: Me too. I’m glad the last thing I’ll see if you.
B’Elanna: I’ve been a coward about everything. Everything that really matters.
Tom: Now you’re being a little hard on yourself.
B’Elanna: No, I’m gonna die without a shred of honour and for the first time in my life that really bothers me. So I have to tell you something.... I have to tell you the truth.
Tom: The truth about what?
B’Elanna: I love you. Say something.
Tom: You picked a great time to tell me.

Yet another example of imminent death revealing true feelings. And this time the writers actually remembered what happened and developed the relationship!


9. Grissom/Sara
CSI - Way to Go part 2

Grissom: I don’t know. Most people want to die in their sleep, I suppose. Never know that it’s happening. Like a crime scene. Surprise, you’re dead. I’d prefer to know in advance that I was going to die. I’d like to be diagnosed with cancer, actually. Have some time to prepare. Go back to the rain forest one more time. Re-read Moby Dick. Possibly enter an international chess tournament. At least have enough time to say goodbye to the people I love.
Sara: I’m not ready to say goodbye.

Eee! What an awesome reveal! I know this is one of the less popular ships but I love it and I love this scene!


8. Adama/Roslin
Battlestar Galactica - The Hub

Adama: Missed you.
Roslin: Me too. I love you.
Adama: About time.

She’s his sine qua non and he can’t live without her. And their reunion here is so perfect it hurts.


7. Buffy/Angel
Angel - I Will Remember You

Buffy: How am I supposed to go on with my life knowing what we had? What we could have had?
Angel: You won’t. No one will know but me.
Buffy: Everything we did.
Angel: It never happened.
Buffy: It did. It did. I know it did! I felt your heart beat.
Angel: Buffy...
(They kiss)
Buffy: No! Oh god. It’s not enough time.
Angel: Shh, please. Please.
Buffy: No. I’ll never forget. I’ll never forget. I’ll never forget. I’ll never forget.

Ok, so I know this is a weird choice for a list of shippy scenes. I mean it does completely rip my heart out and reduce me to a sobbing mess every time I see it. But the depth of their love is just so overwhelming here. The desperation with which they cling to each other and the devastation on their faces as the clock counts down. Romeo and Juliet have got nothing on these two.


6. Booth/Brennan
Bones - Two Bodies in the Lab

Booth: Oh, it’s ok. I’m right here. It’s all over. Ok. Shh. I’m right here, all right. It’s all over. Shh, all right.
Bones: How did you get out of the hospital?
Booth: Hodgins gave me a ride. Maybe...maybe you could give me a ride back though, huh?

I’m a sucker for rescue scenes. And in this one Booth comes to save her despite almost being blown up not too long ago. I think this is the moment when I totally fell in love with them as a couple.


5. John/Aeryn
Farscape - Bad Timing

Aeryn: When I was on the Command Carrier I went to see a surgeon. I was really worried about what the Scarrans did to me. The foetus has been released from its stasis. So I’m having a baby.
John: You okay? And the baby?
Aeryn: It’s yours. I just wanted to tell you. Hope it doesn’t change anything.
John: Umhmm, well it changes everything. WE’RE GONNA HAVE... A BABY! YEAH! FRELL YOU! WE ARE GONNA HAVE A BABYYYY! ... WE’RE HAVING A BABY!
Aeryn: Sit down before you fall down. Are you all right?
John: Yeahh. Whoo!
Aeryn: Are you happy?
John: Yeah.
Aeryn: What was your question?
John: Oh god, um...Will you marry me?
Aeryn: Yes.

It’s hard to capture the real essence of this scene in text. You should just watch it for yourself. But their happiness is so infectious here you can’t help but grin madly. Of course what happens next puts a bit of a damper on that but it works out in the end.


4. Michael/Sara
Prison Break - Chicago

No words are necessary in this scene. I love how she walks straight off the train and into his arms. No hesitation, no doubt, no awkwardness. Just straight to him.


3. Sydney/Vaughn
Alias - Phase One

Now that they no longer have to hide their feelings for fear of being caught and killed, Sydney and Vaughn don’t waste any time in locking lips and making us all jump out of our seats in glee. And they totally ignore Weiss! Awesome.


2. Marshall/Lily
How I Met Your Mother - Three Days of Snow

Marshall: A muffin, a pastrami sandwich and a bag of chips. And I know it’s way past lunch time but I love you. More and more each day, I love you Lily.

This scene actually makes me cry. It’s that amazing. Again it doesn’t translate that well to text because you lose the gradual build up of the marching band, and you really have to have seen the rest of the episode to understand the significance of what Marshall’s saying, but if you have seen it you’ll understand why it’s here.


1. Willow/Tara
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - New Moon Rising

Willow: Tara, I have to tell you...
Tara: No, I understand. You have to be with the person you love.
Willow: I am.
Tara: You mean...
Willow: I mean. Ok?
Tara: Oh, yes.
Willow: I feel horrible about everything I put you through. And I’m going to make it up to you, starting right now.
Tara: Right now?
(Tara blows out the candle)

This scene. This scene is so perfect. I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve watched it and it never fails to make me grin like a total idiot.


Thank you for reading. Comments are greatly appreciated. :)


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battlestar galactica, television, fandom, lois and clark, squee, how i met your mother, lists, prison break, star trek, ncis, bones, the west wing, alias, buffy, shippy goodness, picspam, csi, xena, doctor who, chuck, dark angel, the x-files

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