Feb 26, 2007 04:36
1. What is the last alcoholic beverage you drank? A Mudslide
2. Do you follow college football? hell no
3. How many miles does your car have on it? 150,000+ yeah it's Ballah right
4. Who was the last person to send you a text message and what was it about? My husband about bringing home some taco bell
5. Last time you went swimming in a pool? at least 2 yrs+
6. Are you happy? Yeppers
7. Where was the last place you went shopping? Wal-Mart for food
8. How do you feel about your hair? It's puffy
9. Where do you work? The BW 2007
10. Last thing you ate? I Hop
12. Last time you smoked a cigarette? Long time ago like when I was 14
13. Do you have any expensive jewelry? No, I don't even have a wedding ring ha!
14. AIM or MSN? Yahoo
15. What classes are you taking? None, school seems to have eluded me
16. How many hours on average do you work a week: 40-60
17. What is your favorite brand of make up? None
18. Favorite NFL team? Ewww Fooseball
19. Do you watch the Olympics? no
20. Last bar you went to? Haven't been to a bar
21. Who was the last person to call you? Lauren
22. What's your sign? Scorpio
23. Do you have a favorite number? 73
24. Last time you did volunteer work or made any donations? the heart walk
25. What do you spend the majority of your money on? rent
26. Where does most of your family live? Cali and Michigan
27. Are you an only child or do you have siblings? the one and only
28. Would you consider yourself to be spoiled? not to a high degree, although my huband likes to :0)
29. Ever been called a bitch? Yeppers
30. Got any guilty pleasures? Wii
31. Do you drink beer? ewww non hard alcohol
32. Have you ever experienced true love? yeppers
33. Did you ever collect Beanie Babies? used to
34. Ever ordered anything online? yep sex toys, furniture, my computer and etc..
35. Myspace or Facebook? MySpace
36. Do you have T-Mobile? yeppers
37. What is your favorite subject? English, although I can't spell worth a damn
38. who is the person that took this before you? Janice
39. Do you usually fall for the "bad boys"/"bad girls"? No
40. Were you an outcast in high school? Yeppers
41. Last time you saw your parents? Shit my dad in like 3 years and my mom last year
42. Do you have any talents? Ask my husband ;)
43. Ever been in a wedding? My own
44. Do you have any children? yeppers, April
45. last movie you watched? Flushed Away
46. are you missing anyone right now? My husband
47. Did you take a nap today? not yet, but I will when I get off of work
48. What was your high school's mascot? Wildcat
49. Ever been on a cruise? No, don't want to
50. Favorite vacation spot? home
51. How many pets do you have? none
52. Do you have any wealthy friends? nope we all broke
53. Ever met anyone really famous before? Yeppers, at the hotel you meet some interesting folks
54. Favorite actress? Angelina Jolie
56. Are you multi-tasking right now? Yeppers
57. Could you handle being in the military? Probably, since I'm such a boy lol
58. Are you hungry or thirsty? no I got my coffee so I'm straight
59. Favorite fast food restaurant? Arby's
60. Do you have any grandparents still alive? my dad's parents
61. What is your average cell phone bill? don't know, I don't pay it
62. Do you own a camera phone? yeppers
63. Ever had to take a sobriety test? nope
64. Do you believe in Karma? nope
65. Can you speak any other languages? french and spanish kinda
66. Last time you went to the gym or worked out? I worked out with the Wii
67. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 10 my floor looks black lol
68. Do you have a photo hosting site that you use? Photobucket
69. Last place you drove in a car? On my way to work
70. What is your college mascot? Don't have one, cause I don't go
71. Ever been to Las Vegas? Yeah I first got married there
72. Nicest Hotel you ever stayed in? Excalibur
73. Have you ever bought condoms? yeppers
74. How much money did you make today? well lets see I'm in overtime so... $102.00
75. What do you think is your best feature? My lips and my poof
76. Have you ever been gambling? yeppers in Canada
77. How old are your parents? My dad is 48 and my mom is 47 I think
78. When is the last time you updated your blog? in a couple minutes
79. Do you have your wisdom teeth? yes there impacted and need to be pulled, but do I look like I'm made of money?
80. Best chap stick? Blistex
81. Have you been to New York City? noppers
82. Favorite restaurant? TGI Friday's :( but they don't have them out here
83. Ever been to Disneyland? Yeppers
84. Do you have a favorite cartoon character? Link
85. Last thing you cooked? Ramen noodles
86. How is the weather today? Normal
87. Do you e-mail? Yeppers
88. Last letter/piece of mail you received besides junk or a bill? My state refund check
89. Favorite store? Target
91. Last voicemail you received? Don't know
92. Do you drunk dial? noppers
93. Stupidest thing you ever did with your cell phone? Bought a 512 mb micro sd card instead of a 1-2 gb micro sd card
94. What is the best city in the state that you live in? They all suck
95. Favorite band? Breaking Benjamin
96. Last time you were sick? Had a sinus thing recently, but last time was in like Jan I had Strep
97. Are you bored right now? no just working
98. Next concert you plan on attending? don't know
99. Do you watch reality tv? Not really
100. What are your plans for tomorrow? Work