Happy Valentine's Day puckleberrys!!!

Feb 14, 2012 22:34

<3 Happy Valentine's Day Paige <3

I come bearing gifts.  I hope that V-day is treating you well.  First things first...a little fic.

title: Nerves
pairing: klaine
rating: pg

Kurt took a deep breath and smoothed out his outfit as best he could.  He would do another quick check as soon as he got out of the limo. 
Blaine could tell that Kurt was nervous.  He reached over and grabbed his hand, "Just breathe, Kurt.  The show is wonderful.  People are going to love it."  He smiled reassuringly at his lover.  "You don't want to let them see you sweat."
"Thanks, Blaine.  I know that your right.  The show is amazing and so is the cast..."
"But..." Blaine promted him.
"This is the first time OTHER people are going to get to see it.  They already think that it's going to fail."
"Because you're so young."
Kurt nodded emphatically, "Exactly.  I swear, if I have to hear one more person say that I don't have enough experience to be doing this, I'm going to scream.  This is what I've always wanted to do, and now I'm doing it."
Kurt looked out the window as they approached the theater.  It was funny, whenever he dreamed of this when he was younger, he was never this nervous. 
"Oh God!" Kurt squeaked out.  Blaine looked over Kurt's shoulder to see out the window. 
"She beat us here!  I wanted to get here first so that the reporters could talk to me first...I don't want to go after HER!" 
Blaine watched as the man next to him started to fall apart.  He was nearly hyperventilating.  Blaine just grabbed his face in his hands and pulled him in roughly.  His lips weren't gentle.  This wasn't about showing love, this was about quenching fear.  Kurt needed to know that Blaine believed in him.
Kurt slowly relaxed against him.  He could feel the tension leaving Kurt's body as his hands came up and tangled in Blaine's hair.
Kurt scooted as close into Blaine as he could without climbing in his lap.  He needed this.  This was going to get him through this thing.  Blaine was like a balm that calmed his thoughts and his body. 
When they felt the limo come to a stop, they reluctantly pulled away from each other.  Blaine pressed one last kiss against Kurt's lips before he pulled back completely.
"I love you, you know."  Blaine waited for Kurt to nod.  "And I am so proud of you.  These people here...what they think now doesn't matter.  It's what they think afterward.  And they are going to love it just like I do.  Like Rachel does.  Like Puck does.  You've created something special, Kurt.  I just wish that you could see that too."
Before Kurt could answer him, the driver was opening the door.  The flashbulbs started going off and it was all he could do to climb out of the car.
He stood up and smoothed out his outfit again.  Why didn't I go for the full out suit?  He felt severly underdressed.
He felt Blaine's arm around his waist and heard him whisper 'you look fine' in his ear.  He took a deep breath and they started walking down the red carpet. 
"How do you feel about the premeire, Mr. Hummel?"
"Are you excited?"
"Have you spoken to Madonna yet tonight?"
"Why did you choose Rachel Berry to play the Madonna role?"
Kurt answered the rapid-fire questions as best as he could. 
Why Madonna anyway?"
Kurt looked appaled at the question, "Because she's an icon!  I can't believe that noone has thought of doing this before now."
"Plus she's a hall of fame MILF."
Kurt's eyes lit up as he recognized that voice.  He spun around in Blaine's arm, "NOAH!"  He pulled the man in front of him in for a hug.  "I didn't think that you would make it."
"I told you that I would try...I guess things just landed in your favor."
"Mr. Puckerman, what was it like working with Mr. Hummel?"
Puck looked the reporter square in the eye as he talked to him, something that Kurt was still uncomfortable doing.  "It was an amazing experience.  His ideas are brilliant, and he really knows what he wants.  Vision and all that.  I'm super excited for all of you to see what he's done.  It's gonna be "Madge-ical" as Kurt would say."  Kurt listened to Puck and the reporter laugh at his awful pun.
Blaine put gentle pressure on his back to get him to keep moving.  Kurt could see Rachel talking with a reporter closer to the door, but most of his attention was focused on the woman of the hour herself.
Madonna was surrounded by reporters.  She was the epitome of grace under pressure.  Kurt envied that.
The next ten minutes were spent trying to get through the reporters relatively unscathed.  By the time they were inside the building, Kurt was exhausted.  He wasn't used to this.  Blaine left him for a minute to go to the restroom.  Kurt was standing in the entrance hall when he felt a hand on his shoulder.  He turned around and nearly stopped breathing.
"So your the one that wrote a musical about me?  I thought you'd be older," Madonna said with a smile.
"I get that alot," Kurt breathed out. 
"I wish that I could've met you sooner.  I know I worked with your producer a fair bit, but meeting the writer would've been nice too."
Kurt nodded, "I wish that we would've met sooner as well...to be honest I think the producer was trying to keep me away from you."
"I got that feeling too.  I think maybe he wanted you to be as objective as possible.  Meeting me might have caused you a problem in that regard."
Blaine came up behind him and put a hand on his shoulder, "The show's about to start.  We should go get seated."
Kurt nodded and held a hand out to Madonna, "It was an honor to meet you."
She reached out and shook his hand, "Likewise.  I'm glad that I get to know you before you become the star that I know you're going to be."  She winked at him as she turned and walked away.
Kurt just looked at Blaine, "Did you see that.  That happened...right?!"
Blaine laughed and took Kurt by the shoulders and pushed him inside the theater.  They made their way down to the front row and slid into their seats. 
A few minutes later the house lights flashed and everyone queited down and found their seats.
Blaine reached over and took Kurt's hand again.  "Are you ready?"
Kurt smiled and squeezed his hand back.  "Yeah...I am."

Bonus prezzies:

I made some art for this story.  I apologize for the crappy quality.  My scanner is a piece DX

This is Kurt and Blaine at the premiere for Kurt's show:

And this is a bonus Rachel as Madonna's "Material Girl":

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

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