Challenge 3: Go Your Own Way

Jan 28, 2012 00:58

Blaine's Top Ten Facial Expressions :)

10. Condescending: the expression that Blaine adopts when he feels that he has more experience than you about a certain thing.  Most closely associated with his behavior at Dalton.


9. Oblivious: the expression that Blaine makes when he is completely unaware of what is going on around him.


8. Judgy: the expression that shows that Blaine is judging your behavior.  It is not necessarily in a bad way, but you are doing something that he is judging you on.


7. Content: the expression that show that Blaine is completely happy in that moment.  Not blissfully happy, but instead just calmly satisfied.


6. Distraught: the expression that shows how miserable Blaine is feeling.  It is a look that tugs at heartstrings and moistens tear ducts.


5. Smug: the expression that shows how Blaine is one step ahead of you.


4. Smitten: Blaine's expression of love.  It can sometimes be sickeningly sweet until you realize that you're pissed it's not directed at you.


3. Awe: the expression that Blaine wears when he is pleasantly surprised by something.


2. Come Hither: this one is pretty self


1. Silly: this is Blaine's default facial expression.  It is used in various times such as when he is singing, dancing, talking, listening, etc.



Two bonus facial expressions

B1: Encouraging: the expressions that Blaine wears when he truely believes in the person in front of him and wants them to succeed.

B2: Pissed: this is by far the most appealing/sexy of all the Blaine faces.  It is also the hardest to photograph since it is rarely seen.


I hope that you all find this facial expression dictionary both informative and entertaining :)

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