i want to go to rio. i was going to look at apartments tonight, but instead i started reading about different travel destinations and succeeded at totally bumming myself out. there are so many places i want to visit. if i wanted to go to rio for ten days and stay in a very nice hotel, i would need somewhere in the area of 2,500 for hotel and flight. i guess after college i can take some time and do that. i guess. it would take a couple months to save up for flight & hotel & food & souveniers, but i could do it.
i was also looking at toronto and montreal. want to, need to go. montreal looks beautiful. oh canada <3
and then i was looking at prices to get to japan, and it's absurd. i really can't even start to think about visiting that country until i'm extremely wealthy. flight alone is too expensive. hotels are $$$. and so is everything else.
i really think i'm going to canada sometime this winter. unless i end up going to france with mom for a few weeks (to visit mimi). and i really do want to go to europe next year. want to go to at least italy, england and france. now i know i've already been to paris a couple times, but i can't help it. i don't think i could ever be bored of that city.
...and seriously, if rio is as gorgeous as i know it's going to be, i'll want to move there.
why am i not rich and able to travel?
whatever. next best thing? learn portuguese.
too bad i'll be too busy with italian.
ho detto che vorrei scrivere in italiano ogni settimana, ma sfortunatamente, ho dimenticato di farlo. :( oggi me sono sentita un po strana. non so come la mia vita sara fra un po' di tempo. ho paura! sara difficile? probabilmente. non voglio tornare a scuola. voglio viaggiare e vedere delle cose bellissime!
sono felice che andro con mio ragazzo e mia sorella a san francisco. ho bisogno di fare un piccolo viaggio. non so dove staremo, ma tutti gli alberghi sono carini.
ho gia dimenticato molto che ho imparato. bisogno leggere il mio libro d'italiano e studiare di piu per non dimenticare. voglio ricordare questa lingua. ho dimenticato lo spagnolo e non posso scrivere molto bene in francese. voglio essere spedito in italiano!
ps- don't forget to throw that paragraph in the translator at freetranslations.com. lol. it's my favorite activity. HOW can those things be so horribly inaccurate? my favorites:
1. I want to travel and to see some attractive things!
2. need to do a small journey.
ok, i'm going to sleep.