so, i said back in game one that once the ducks wake up, they'll give the oilers hell. it's really depressing that it took until the third period of the third game for them to figure out how to make a fool of roloson. tonight they were fucking phenomenal. i couldn't believe my eyes. where were these guys the first three games ? :*( well anyhow, so now the series is at 3-1, and the chances of anaheim making a comeback are beyond slim (only three teams have ever done it in history), but all the commentators are buzzing with hope that in the "new nhl" it is possible. i can't wait until next season when it's no longer the "new nhl" and just ...the nhl. AH! and yesterday's game with buffalo and carolina was a thriller too. two of the best games of the playoffs, back to back. this one was probably the best because it was a nailbiter all the way through. i'm glad they were finally giving roloson some trouble. that guy is such a shithead. yeah, he's a good goalie but he's SO exaggerated. when someone taps him you'd think they shot him the way he goes flying. loser. but he really is all the oilers have going for them. i called it. i said if he crumbled then they're goners. he carried them thus far. yeah, they have talent in pronger (despite the fact that he's ridiculously goofy) and ryan smyth...but the other guys are all brawn and they're dirty players and it completely came back to them tonight. raaaad. see THESE are the types of games i wish you could predict so i could use it to suck in some fans because i had my mom and dad screaming at the tv with me...and they're really not that into it. if more people saw this kind of action then there'd be more fans. oh well. just wish someone who read my journal was actually a fan. i bet nobody will even get through this paragraph. :( maybe i'll meet some kings fans at ucla. it's likely. there are 18,118 people in la that love that sport and GODDAMNIT i will find them. SOOOOO the series picks up on saturday in anaheim, and i'm curious how it'll go. hopefully they can force a game 6. the crowd in anaheim is kinda lame though. the edmonton crowd is soooooo supportive. it'd be so sick to go to a game in canada. you see them on tv and you can't HEAR the commentators or the ref's whistle because the crowd is too damn loud. they're nuts. it must be fun. it was kind of funny to see them all pissed off because of anaheim's superior performance tonight. whee.
oh, and it's really cute that giguere drinks his water out of a straw. most of the goalies just squirt water all over their face, but he takes the time to pick up the bottle, turn the straw, and daintily sip. ha.
section two:
i'm getting really tired of the commercials about who and what i should vote for. they're so retarded. anyone who is convinced by one of those commercials is retarded. "blah blah blah...she's a LIBERAL!!!!!!" WhaaaaaaAAAAaaaaat? since when is liberal an insult? since when is conservative an insult? i mean, those terms in themselves... .... .... you just need to bust out some dirty shit about the opponent not like "OMGzzZZ she's a liberal DON'T vote for her!!!!!!" oy!
anyone seen the inconvenient truth? the al gore movie? al gore is soooo random.
but anyhow, i was watching SNL last week and then al gore is randomly on there talking about global warming. great but uh...not funny? and his wife's dumb. her and her parent's group thing to put explicit lyrics stickers on cds. and push for 'clean' versions. UM HI! have you heeeeard these cds? you can hear everything in the lovely four-letter word but the vowel. hmmmm i wonder what they're saying when i hear "sht"
they're voting on that FMA in june. i really don't think it will pass. and if it does, i'm flying to washington and screaming in front of big important buildings until they have to come take me away and they show the crazy girl on tv being arrested for obstructing the peace. and then i'll be persecuted for being a terrorist, or something. it'll be fabu. my blood boils just thinking that the stupid FMA thing is even a threat. literally. i can feel my entire body respond with hot anger.
besides it being a horribly just...insanely hateful thing...
...don't they have respect for the constitution? how DARE you propose to add an amendment like this? idiots. i can't even think of an insult that does justice to how low i think of these people. uh yeah "women can vote, free speech, fair trial, prohibition, oh wait no prohibition, black people aren't second-class citizens....but GAYS are" ...great addition.
ok, i'm done ranting. onto happy stuff.
i'm thrilled to be finished with swc! yee haw! literally. just. yeah! it's so exciting to know that come fall i'm going to get to do what i've been wanting to do since i graduated from high school. yesssss.
also, i'm looking forward to some upcoming shows. good times. :)
also, i'm looking forward to getting my new computer. and finally having garageband! and isight should be fun. and not to mention wireless. :)
also, i'm looking forward to my birthday. and going to LIPS. it's gonna rule. and then i'll have a new cell phone (all though, admittedly, ever since i ditched the LG and got a nokia, i really don't have many complaints about cingular. hmmm....)...but if we do switch i'm soooo getting a sidekick. then i can check my e-mail and hockey scores allllll the time.
wow, i think i've certainly written enough.
in summary:
1. the ducks need to make a miracle happen so i can see my first stanley cup finals game in person. (i mean, there are only two local teams...out of 30, what are the chances of that, ya know?)
2. political commercials are dumb and i hate conservative republicans pushing the fma.
3. swc can suck it.
k bye.