Jun 10, 2006 21:23
Seven-forty-five am.
Phone rings.
Regina, in automatic, leaps up from her sleeping position on the couch and bounds into the kitchen to get the phone. On the other end is her sister, Lisa. Lisa is looking for their mother, Mom. Mom's still sleeping , like real humans should be at 7:45. Lisa says she needs to go to Seagroatt and can't drive because she hurt her back pretty badly. Regina, improvising, volunteers herself. She'll need to drive her brother-in-law's truck back to Lisa's. Regina, ever the trooper, agrees. After a quick morning freshening session, Regina is in the truck and on the road, singing along with the CD she burned before leaving.
Regina arrives at Lisa's with plenty of time to spare. Lisa takes her own sweet time to get in the car, mimicking the movements of an octogenarian. Regina then drives Lisa's hybrid car all over Hell's half acre (Aka Route 84) to get to Seagroatt's. They do the flower shopping thing. Regina then drives Lisa to her chiropractic appointment and waits around while the chiropractor, Dr. G, does nothing for Lisa because her back pain is a muscle thing, not a spinal thing. After that, they scarily drive (Regina's beginning to tire and her judgement is wavering) to Dunkin Donuts. Regina and Lisa get some brekky, and then drive back to Lisa's.
Regina is now completely drained. The girls call Mom to come to the rescue and as usual, she does. Regina crashes on the couch while Mom makes arrangements and Lisa tries to calm her aching back. When Mom is finished with the flowers, she talks very loudly and wakes Regina. Regina helps her load the arrangements into the car and then Mom leaves. Regina waits around with Lisa to make sure she doesn't hurt herself any further. When Lisa's husband, Lincoln, comes home, they kibitz for a few before watching "Get Shorty". Regina, feeling herself tire, calls for back up from the sister, Anne, who comes to get her.
Anne and Regina return to Regina's home. Regina takes the puppy outside for a few, drinks some Grape Koolaid, and then decides to come on LJ.
When she finishes her post, Regina yawns, comments to herself on getting more sleep, and then leaves the computer to go and sleep so that the next day, Sunday, she won't look like the living dead at 10:30 Mass.
Good night and good luck.
Much Love,