what a day.

Aug 16, 2005 14:58

Well last night Tommy, my boss, told Zack and I not to worry about Alex. That no one likes him and he is looking for another job anyhow. He told me and Zack repeatedly that his days were numbered here. Got a whole other story today. Tommy called and said he talked to Alex and told me that Alex said that he didn't like us taking anything from the wearhouse anymore and that we couldn't do any more of that. I told Tommy I didn't care because we got all we needed anyhow. Then he told me that Alex said that Zack couldn't come to the shop anymore because he left him a threatening voicemail. I told Tommy he didn't leave anything threatening and I was sitting next to Zack when he said it. I wouldn't have let him leave a message that was threatening. Tommy told me that Alex was denying all that I had said about him. I told Tommy of course he would. Then he told me that Alex would be my boss in a way and that we need to sit down and talk about this. I thought about it a while then called Tommy back and told him I would quit if one Zack was not allowed to come here anymore and two if Alex would be my boss. Now way. I told him I wouldn't work here anymore. Tommy said he liked me and didn't want that to happen. I told Tommy when he told Zack last night he could talk to Alex, that is why he left him the message. I don't know why last night Tommy was saying that things were fine and not to worry about Alex because he won't be there much longer, then calling and telling me I have to watch what I say to Alex because he could fire me. I called Tommy and told him that when I went in for my interview it was him that hired me and it should be him that can fire me. All Alex does is he is a foreman over the techs. He has no title or position to be over the receptionist. I told Tommy I think that is why Carolyn left. I also told him that hopefully if I quit and they hire someone else that they don't put Alex over them because they won't last. Told Tommy that is why they might be going through receptionists. I also told Tommy I was too mad to say anytbing to Alex. So he called and I haven't heard the news yet. Depending on what Tommy tells me will determine if I stay here or not. I went to Wal-Mart and got some things for lunch because I didn't pack it and when I came back I went to check my voicemail and it locked up on me. I had to call an administrater, but he is hard to get a hold of. Well Tommy didn't call anyhow, and he has an hour left before he can tell me wheather or not he will remain the boss of me or if he is going to put Alex in charged. I worked with Corporate with all the things to do with the new computer and it is up and running better than ever. It is so nice. So much better than the last one. I called Zack and told him that I would let him know if I quit or not. I told Tommy that Zack has done nothing wrong to Alex for Alex to say he can't come up here to my work and who is he to say that anyhow? Who is he to say that he can't come up here? Zack said the only reason is because he is scared of him. I agree. I should tell Alex his wife and kids aren't allowed here either. Though I have never seen them. I told Tommy it would be like someone telling him that he couldn't come see his wife at work. I won't do it. If Zack did something wrong I could understand, but he didn't do a damn thing wrong and I won't deal with that shit. All he did was leave a message to Alex telling him that he needs to stop pulling things on me that will cause me to get fired. There is nothing threatening about that! He also said that he doesn't need to talk to me about the truck being fixed either and if he had anymore questions he could call Zack and Zack left his phone number. Again nothing threatening. I will work with this stupid mother fucker, but I won't have him being my boss and telling me that Zack can't come here. What if he needs to drop me off or needs to come see me for a reason? Not going to do it. Alex has no right or position to say that. It would be like any employee out of the blue saying that to another one. He has more senority than me, but that is it. He has no important boss role over me, but if they changed it to where he does, bye bye Crystal goes. So they need to think, a honest person that cares about the company or someone that keeps his shit up and lies about everything. Tommy told me that he could tell he was getting on my computer and looking for another job anyway and to wait it out. Well why all the sudden is it now different? I tell you what. I can handle Alex's type, but not if they are over me. If I still work here tomorrow you will see another entry, if not then this is it. I doubt I will find antoher job like this where I can get on the internet and do this. End of Entry
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