
May 07, 2011 21:56


☆☆☆ Enemy                                                                         
Potential verbal fights could happen. You actually managed to piss her off enough that she might even curse and swear at you... a lot. She's not the type to do either one, though. Most likely, you hurt someone who's dear to her. This will probably never be used.

☆☆ Fuck off                                                                         
It's not necessarily an enemy, but you definitely annoyed her or pissed her off. She'll most likely be bitter towards you. Seeing as this is Serah, though, she won't be too hard on you. Though, she'll be avoiding you.

☆ Dislike                                                                              
You did something to offend her or annoy her, obviously. Nothing that's not fixable, though.

☼ Stranger                                                                           
She may have met you once, but there was nothing substantial about their conversation to say much about them.

★ Acquittance                                                                      
She finds you interested/nice, but she really doesn't know anything about you.

★★ Friend                                                                            
She likes you, but she'd like to get to know you better.

★★★ Good Friend                                                               
She likes to be around you and she enjoys your company. If anyone hurts you, she'll definitely have your back.

★★★★ Best Friend                                                              
Stuck like glue bb~ You're really dear to her and she'll do whatever it takes to help you out. She'll have your back, even if she doesn't agree with things 100%. If anyone hurts you, shit's gonna fly and they're going down!

♥♥♥♥♥ Love                                                                        
She loves you unconditionally. She'll always be there for you and do whatever she can in her power to help you out of anything without thought of her own problems. I highly doubt she'll fall for someone here romantically because she's already engaged to Snow and loves him very much. This will probably won't be used much.

Last Updated: June 12th

Lightning Farron

Serah's beloved older sister. She absolutely loves her and would do anything for her. She feels guilty that Lightning became a Pulse L'Cie, too. It was all because Serah was curious and Lightning went to save her. There's no possible way to make her hate Lightning.

Final Fantasy XIII
Zack Fair

She finds Zack to be very interesting. He's a regular flirt, and while it does him no good to flirt with her, he does make her feel a bit better when she needs it. He may or may not know that. Still, she finds him fun and enjoys talking to him, even he he may not always have the best things to say. Things that could get him punched by Lighning, for instance.

Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
Zell Dincht

Serah doesn't know anything about Zell. He did stop by her when she just got there. They didn't speak much, so she really doesn't know anything about him. She wouldn't mind getting to know him.

Final Fantasy VIII


Lilisette was the first to talk to Serah once she came. Serah liked her from the beginning. She's nice, friendly, and she knew Lightning. She also helped her about where to find Lightning and the basics of what she needed to know about this place. She's really thankful for all the help that she's given. She's really enjoyed talking with Lilisette and hopes to get to know her better.

Final Fantasy XI

Serah hasn't spoken much to Terra, but she thinks he's pretty nice so far. She has also noticed that him and Lightning seem to act weird around each other to some extent. Warning: Serah is plotting! She'd loved to get to know him, and she's sure she will the way things are going.

Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep

Meiou Setsuna

If there's anybody here that Serah hasn't spoken much to, it's Setsuna. She made a comment about someone being there, meaning Lightning. She never answered back, so they never had an actual conversation. She wouldn't mind getting to know her, though.

sailor Moon


Serah's really liked Rapunzel from the first time they met. She's so sweet and helpful. She helped Serah find Lighning when she first arrived. She was also as respectful as she could be when Serah was stuck singing that embarrassing song. Rapunzel makes Serah smile and she's glad to have met her. She hopes that they can be close derpy friends sometime. Frying pans... Who knew right?

Fai D. Flourite

She only spoke to Fai for a little while during that embarrassing song that she had to sing. She feels like the first impression was terrible and would like to get to know him on better terms.

Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicles

If you feel that you should be on here, feel free to comment.

c: terra, !relationships, c: zack, c: rapunzel, c: lilisette, c: zell, c: fai, c: lightning, c: setsuna

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