Dec 29, 2005 18:04
I forgot all about this journal thing man...So Christmas just ended, thank god. its too bad that i really hate christmas now. i don't know why its just not how it use to be. I got alot of crap, nothing good of course. Um yea living up here is still gay but im so use to it now. I have to i made myself, theres nothing else to do but get use to the way things are now. I still see ppl, not as often, but its better then nothing. I see Christina almost every weekend and Daria and Paulina more now than in the beginning. I realy hate the distance because i don't want to grow apart from them, but its working out for now. Once the summer comes again it'll be better.
School is okie. I have some friends who help the day to go by better than if i knew noone. There not the best ppl to hangout with but i make it. Theres this hott Jason kid but yea, doubt anything will ever come of that. Im actually passing all my classes! Execpt for u.s but whatever better than b4. Im all about food now. Wow do i eat. Its good though because i needed to add a few pounds to me since i was so skinny from my crackhead summer. Im actually really happy that im not the big ass pot head i use to be. I smoke cigarettes less often now too. I like that i doo all that stuff mostly on the weekends because i can enjoy it more and have more fun.
So i do want to write more but im here at christinas and we're getting ready to go down to ridgewood. They're leaving to d.r on sat so ima spend new years with hopefully pow. I hate them for leaving but at least they'll be having fun and baking while we're freezing. What can i yea payce out for now!!!