Apr 09, 2002 14:52
Heh, we all know I cannot spell to save my life, so leave me alone if "annoyance" is spelled wrong. :p Anyway, I have lately been reading the Tek books by William Shatner. I liked the TV movies before I had read the books. I happened to find them in Chance's stuff and said why the hell not. Ok, the movies should be named differently! The losley follow the books, but characters as well as stories are almost completely different. I could not even watch TekLab after I had finished the book. It was too far off from the book which had been awesome.
Another movie that annoys me for the same reason is Starship Troopers. Gods! They should have just changed the name of the movie. I mean, the book was very political and the movie barely even touched on it. If I had seen the movie without reading the book, the movie would have been awesome.
And yet another movie that does that is John Carpenter's Vampires. That one was just plain stupid. Even just taken as a vampire movie it was not very good. The Master vampire had no personality at all. He was stupid.
Now I have seen some movies taken from the book that were pretty good. Interview with a Vampire was not too bad and niether was To Kill a Mockingbird. Both of these movies stayed pretty true to the book. Samw with Willow.
Why is is lately that movies cannot be more like the books? I understand time constraints and all that, but still. *sighs* I have not read Lord of the Rings, so I can not put it up against the book. I have been told it was pretty true with a minimum of major difference. Ah well.