Bored, bored, bored

Feb 07, 2003 14:47

A good sign that I am bored lately is how often I update my journal. *sighs* I am rather transparent some days. At any rate, I have a character concept I wanted to share. I know some will not care, but here goes anyway.

Sinnabar Half-elven Cleric of Olidammara (The laughing rouge)

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral with good tendancies (makes her more group friendly)
Domains: Luck & Trickery
Weapons: Morningstar, quarterstaff, and light crossbow
Armour: Leather

Background: Sinnabar was born to a noble family. Her father married her mother for money, plain and simple. Her father physically and mentally abused both Sin and her mother. When Sin was 15, her father beat her mother to death and raped and beat Sin to within an inch of her life. That night, Sin slew her father in his sleep. With the servants' and her uncle's testimonies, the murder was ruled self-defense. Sin used her inhertiance to convert her home into a safehouse/orphanage for abused women and children. When she was 18, Sin was introduce to the church of Olidammara. The Laughing Rouge offered her the abilities to help children without having to conform to unjust laws. Her uncle Jordan is a ranking memeber of the church. After spending two years in the church learning all she could, Sindol decided to become a mercenary in order to fund more orpanages that do not further abuse the children in thier care. She tithes 10% to the church and uses the rest to pay for qualified Healers and teachers to teach the make sure the women and children were cared for and given a basic education with the option an encouragement to learn more so that when they left the orphange they would be able to support themselves. She converted her ancestral home into an scholl and orphanage. She uses whatever methods are easiest and fastest to achieve her goals.

I know in some ways she would be considered Chaotic Good, but she does not care for anything or anyone else. She has her goals and is very much against abuse of any kind, but that is about it. She has few friends but will do anything for then, even murder if she has to. She has killed to rescue badly abused women and children.

Anyway, that is about it for now. *grins* We will see what happens later. I may post again, or I may not. *shrugs* Depends on how bored I am.
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