Jan 10, 2004 21:58
Well, I have everything done but my Bulletin Board. My decs took longer than I expected. But they look really good. Hopefully no one will rip them down.
I got my books and you know how much it cost me? 514 bucks!!!! I about past out. That is just ridiculous. It's a crime I tell you. I think every college student should rebel.
I just realized that Monday Wednesday and Friday are going to be a bitch this semester. All my classes are on those days. And on wednesday I have a lab. I'm going to die. But on the plus side no classes or labs on Tuesday!! Yay!
My nose hurts. I got knocked when I was wrestling with Rick. But I don't think it is broken. I probably just bruised the bone. What have I learned from this situation? Don't wrestle with Rick...he has no control.
Note to self: Stop crushing on people you know you have no chance with.